Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Ch Yeoman The Crofter
Ch Kiwi Of Baytor  |
Thydeal Something Special Of Baytor  |
Thydeal Ye Ould Yankee Doodle  Thydeal Ye Ould Yankee Doodle  |
Sequels Smasherjoe  |
Ch Snowman Kenilworth Samson  Ch Snowman Kenilworth Samson  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Stormers Kenilworth Lass  |
Sandow Sequel  |
Ch Ashford Superb  |
Sandow Priss  |
Thydeal Truly Scrumptious  |
Baytor Plough Boy  |
Dewrie Welsh Guardsman  |
Stella Storm Of Veritor  |
Eng.Ch Thydeal Little Audie  Eng.Ch Thydeal Little Audie  |
Ch Hefty Tristram Of Evanstan  |
Sevenup Bernadette  |
Thydeal Victoria  Thydeal Victoria  |
Ch Baytor Zircon Solo  Ch Baytor Zircon Solo  |
Mellea Hesagenie  Mellea Hesagenie  |
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain  |
Frisky´s Trouble  |
Belinda Bella  |
Newbottle Wudstan Boy  |
Dorroys Temptress  |
Thydeal Audiezone  |
Baytor Plough Boy  |
Dewrie Welsh Guardsman  |
Stella Storm Of Veritor  |
Eng.Ch Thydeal Little Audie  Eng.Ch Thydeal Little Audie  |
Ch Hefty Tristram Of Evanstan  |
Sevenup Bernadette  |
Marenacass Pride And Joy  |
Turoca Sea Breeze  Turoca Sea Breeze  |
Identical Son Of Turoca  |
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice  Eng. Ch Sailors Choice  |
Maythorpe Mariner  Maythorpe Mariner  |
Dorroys Revelation  |
Mermaid Amanda  |
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice  Eng. Ch Sailors Choice  |
Leighmark Genevieve  |
Turoca Easter Blossom  |
Ch Walvra Red Ensign  Ch Walvra Red Ensign  |
Sagebrush Lord Nelson Of Chadderton  |
Walvra Heftygift  |
Qualco Harvestime  |
Eng Ch Qualco Weavervale Brandy  Eng Ch Qualco Weavervale Brandy  |
South Sea Wahine  |
Lady Bella  |
Sailorboy Jason  |
Ch Walvra Red Ensign  Ch Walvra Red Ensign  |
Sagebrush Lord Nelson Of Chadderton  |
Walvra Heftygift  |
Ben Little Model  |
Big Ben Of Essex  Big Ben Of Essex  |
Sailor Boys White Ensign  |
Debbie's Double  |
Big Ben Of Essex  Big Ben Of Essex  |
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice  Eng. Ch Sailors Choice  |
Leighmark Genevieve  |
Sailors Pride And Joy  |
Blockbuster Nobush  |
Blockbuster Arabella  |
Ch Noways Jubilation  |
Ch.Int Thydeal Golden Wonder  Ch.Int Thydeal Golden Wonder  |
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough  Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough  |
Ch Denbrough Leander  Ch Denbrough Leander  |
Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  |
Castizo Albermar Blazeaway  |
Canford Rebecca  |
Castizo Manuela  |
Castizo Carlos  Castizo Carlos  |
Castizo Consuelo  |
Beechlyn Carmen Of Barabull  |
Brutus Of Barabull  |
Mellea Hesagenie  Mellea Hesagenie  |
Cleopatra Of Barabull  |
The Witch Of Barabull  The Witch Of Barabull  |
Highfield Toreador  |
Cleopatra Of Barabull  |
Thydeal Victoria  Thydeal Victoria  |
Ch Baytor Zircon Solo  Ch Baytor Zircon Solo  |
Mellea Hesagenie  Mellea Hesagenie  |
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain  |
Frisky´s Trouble  |
Belinda Bella  |
Newbottle Wudstan Boy  |
Dorroys Temptress  |
Thydeal Audiezone  |
Baytor Plough Boy  |
Dewrie Welsh Guardsman  |
Stella Storm Of Veritor  |
Eng.Ch Thydeal Little Audie  Eng.Ch Thydeal Little Audie  |
Ch Hefty Tristram Of Evanstan  |
Sevenup Bernadette  |
White Satin Of Noways  White Satin Of Noways  |
Noways Snowman  |
Noways Symas Sir William  |
Candy's Cavalier  |
Mellea William Rufus  |
Pride Of Rochdale  |
Noways Blockbuster Felicity  |
Ch Blockbuster Best Bitter  Ch Blockbuster Best Bitter  |
Noways Rachel Marjon  |
Noways Flair  |
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Am CH Vardona Ideal Bewitching  |
Dilkusha Nelsons Memory  |
Sagebrush Lord Nelson Of Chadderton  |
Cassavra Golden Charm  |
Medbournian Andrea  |
Noways Symas Sir William  |
Candy's Cavalier  |
Mellea William Rufus  |
Pride Of Rochdale  |
Noways Blockbuster Felicity  |
Ch Blockbuster Best Bitter  Ch Blockbuster Best Bitter  |
Noways Rachel Marjon  |
Englemere Fashion Plate  |
Ch Shinfield Barnaby  Ch Shinfield Barnaby  |
Leodride Golden Gleam  |
Shinfield Penelope Ann  |
Englemere Miss Muffet  |
Leodride Ace  |
Stanvale Pandetta  |
Silures Morgan Le Fey  |
Ch Merriveen War Chant  |
Wedgebury Warlord  Wedgebury Warlord  |
Ch Waggy Of The Regions  Ch Waggy Of The Regions  |
Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  |
Castizo Albermar Blazeaway  |
Protector Of Copperfield  |
Wicked Lady  |
Canford Rebecca  |
Chieftain Of Drivedale  |
Overfen Anne  |
Katrina Of The Regions  |
Ch Walvra Red Ensign  Ch Walvra Red Ensign  |
Sagebrush Lord Nelson Of Chadderton  |
Walvra Heftygift  |
Brandy Bull  |
Worthy Nero Of Barabull  |
Dorjac Darling  |
Wedgebury Miss Biddy  Wedgebury Miss Biddy  |
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain  |
Tredgold Gaius Caligula  Tredgold Gaius Caligula  |
Broadford Happy Wanderer  |
Tredgold Rosebud  |
Little Secret  |
Kippax George  Kippax George  |
Clematis Of Runshaw  |
Outdoors Cinderella  |
Outdoors Hartend Timothy  |
Clearbrook Nelson  |
Hartend Jane  |
Outdoors Beth  |
Eng Ch Outdoors Duke  Eng Ch Outdoors Duke  |
Outdoors Overfen Caroline  |
Merriveen Hells Delight  |
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor  Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor  |
Ch Baytor Zircon Solo  Ch Baytor Zircon Solo  |
Mellea Hesagenie  Mellea Hesagenie  |
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain  |
Frisky´s Trouble  |
Belinda Bella  |
Newbottle Wudstan Boy  |
Dorroys Temptress  |
Holeyn Countess  Holeyn Countess  |
Baytor Plough Boy  |
Dewrie Welsh Guardsman  |
Stella Storm Of Veritor  |
Holeyn Duchess  Holeyn Duchess  |
Intl.Ch Qualco Marksman  Intl.Ch Qualco Marksman  |
Holeyn Princess  |
Merriveen Melodrama  |
Ch Baytor Zircon Solo  Ch Baytor Zircon Solo  |
Mellea Hesagenie  Mellea Hesagenie  |
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain  |
Frisky´s Trouble  |
Belinda Bella  |
Newbottle Wudstan Boy  |
Dorroys Temptress  |
Madame Victoria Of Merriveen  |
Qualco Travelerman  |
Eng Ch Qualco Weavervale Brandy  Eng Ch Qualco Weavervale Brandy  |
South Sea Wahine  |
Castizo Senorita  |
Eng Ch Qualco Weavervale Brandy  Eng Ch Qualco Weavervale Brandy  |
Castizo Clarissa  |
Fara Of Ingleside  |
Ch Kiwi Of Baytor  |
Thydeal Something Special Of Baytor  |
Thydeal Ye Ould Yankee Doodle  Thydeal Ye Ould Yankee Doodle  |
Sequels Smasherjoe  |
Ch Snowman Kenilworth Samson  Ch Snowman Kenilworth Samson  |
Sandow Sequel  |
Thydeal Truly Scrumptious  |
Baytor Plough Boy  |
Eng.Ch Thydeal Little Audie  Eng.Ch Thydeal Little Audie  |
Thydeal Victoria  Thydeal Victoria  |
Ch Baytor Zircon Solo  Ch Baytor Zircon Solo  |
Mellea Hesagenie  Mellea Hesagenie  |
Belinda Bella  |
Thydeal Audiezone  |
Baytor Plough Boy  |
Eng.Ch Thydeal Little Audie  Eng.Ch Thydeal Little Audie  |
Marenacass Pride And Joy  |
Turoca Sea Breeze  Turoca Sea Breeze  |
Identical Son Of Turoca  |
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice  Eng. Ch Sailors Choice  |
Mermaid Amanda  |
Turoca Easter Blossom  |
Ch Walvra Red Ensign  Ch Walvra Red Ensign  |
Qualco Harvestime  |
Lady Bella  |
Sailorboy Jason  |
Ch Walvra Red Ensign  Ch Walvra Red Ensign  |
Ben Little Model  |
Debbie's Double  |
Big Ben Of Essex  Big Ben Of Essex  |
Sailors Pride And Joy  |
Celtic Lady Of Ingleside  |
Ch Nelsons Boy Of Peatvale  |
Invigilate Of Dunelm  |
Worrego Corrobee  |
Ch Dewrie Welsh Druid  |
Worrego Samantha  |
Worrego Samantha  |
Ch Kama Top Brass  Ch Kama Top Brass  |
Worrego Sweet Allana  |
Cindy Of Peatvale  |
Valemore Laurie  |
Ch Valemore Bruce  |
Valemore Ailsa Lass  |
Ch Prililgirl Of Rosedawn  |
Ch Prince Of Rosedawn  |
Toulouse Sussex Volante  |
Alexas Queen Of Dunelm  |
Ch Valley Vale Mariner  |
Ch Qualco Caesar Of Barnston  |
Qualco Achievement  |
Overfen Diana  |
Imogene Princess Of Eliber  |
Little Darkie Of Eliber  |
Barbara Princess Of Eliber  |
Priority Bess Of Dunelm  |
Ch Kama Priority  |
Ch Soraya Diplomat  Ch Soraya Diplomat  |
Soraya Deliela  |
Alexas Of Longbay  |
Toulouse Atlas  |
Shirltom Whitey  |