Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Am Ch Matt´s Sir Alan Michael
Ch Ashford Superb  |
Ch, Int Ch Thel's Pal Of Wiggin  |
Ch Superb Of Wiggin  Ch Superb Of Wiggin  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Mount View Susie  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Maelor Sunflower  |
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Princess Bonny  Princess Bonny  |
Gang-on  Gang-on  |
Bessie O´portmahon  |
Harmarleys Pride  |
Ch Netherdene Rival  Ch Netherdene Rival  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Molly O´ Mine (1946)  |
Ben Bolt Of Auburncrest  |
Lady Mountwise  |
Sincerity  |
Godley Hill Major  |
Newington Courageous  |
Bouncing Bonny  |
White Fang  |
The White Knight  |
By Cash  |
Noways Kola Of Ashford  |
Ch Prince Of Woodgate  Ch Prince Of Woodgate  |
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)  Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Mount View Susie  |
Silver Ruffles  |
Ch Falstone Dreadnaught  |
Pelton Queen  |
Wynne Of Woodcote  |
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Calla Lily  |
Buster Storm  |
Stonlyn Snowflake  |
Bart´s Susie  |
Ch Superb Of Wiggin  Ch Superb Of Wiggin  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Princess Bonny  Princess Bonny  |
Stoneham Duskie  |
Ch Maelor Uplifter  Ch Maelor Uplifter  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Persistent Jill  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Patricia De Ronree  |
Matt S Gold-n-big Red  |
Ch Ashford Superb  |
Ch, Int Ch Thel's Pal Of Wiggin  |
Ch Superb Of Wiggin  Ch Superb Of Wiggin  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Princess Bonny  Princess Bonny  |
Harmarleys Pride  |
Ch Netherdene Rival  Ch Netherdene Rival  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Molly O´ Mine (1946)  |
Sincerity  |
Godley Hill Major  |
White Fang  |
Noways Kola Of Ashford  |
Ch Prince Of Woodgate  Ch Prince Of Woodgate  |
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)  Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Silver Ruffles  |
Wynne Of Woodcote  |
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  |
Calla Lily  |
Bart´s Susie  |
Ch Superb Of Wiggin  Ch Superb Of Wiggin  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  |
Stoneham Duskie  |
Ch Maelor Uplifter  Ch Maelor Uplifter  |
Persistent Jill  |
Matt´s Lucky Cameo  |
Am Ch Marmac's Mister Lucky  |
Bon Homme Admiral  |
Am CH Double Nugget  Am CH Double Nugget  |
USA Ch Nugget My Ideal  USA Ch Nugget My Ideal  |
Nuggetaire´s Carmetta  |
Bon Homme´s Bonita  |
Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch  Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch  |
Lady Susan Viii  |
Bon Homme Admiral´s Judy  |
Bon Homme Admiral  |
Am CH Double Nugget  Am CH Double Nugget  |
Bon Homme´s Bonita  |
Wise Own Little Tornado  |
Millview´s Topper  |
Wise Lady Marion Angelface  |
Dinah´s Brindle Boots  |
Stone-wall Chuck A Roy  |
Stone-wall Coppersmith  |
Juneter's Ace  Juneter's Ace  |
Stone Wall Dinah  |
Home Guard Brindie  |
Noways Red Prince  |
M Liss O Nilloh  |
Sassy Girl Ll  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Van Ostrand´s Sweet Sugar Bear  |
Ch Shacklefords Duke  |
Am CH Gordon´s Duke Of Newport  |
Am CH Shacklefords Shurlock  Am CH Shacklefords Shurlock  |
Shacklefords Brindie's First  Shacklefords Brindie's First  |
Am Ch Charmdell Lazarus  |
Kamel Kloy Boy  |
Kamel Deep Mischief  |
Shacklefords Brindie  |
Stone-wall Coppersmith  |
Home Guard Brindie  |
Dinah´s Brindle Boots  |
Stone-wall Chuck A Roy  |
Stone-wall Coppersmith  |
Home Guard Brindie  |
Sassy Girl Ll  |
not available |
not available |
Chuckie First Lady  |
AM CH Stone Wall Chuckie  AM CH Stone Wall Chuckie  |
Stone-wall Coppersmith  |
Juneter's Ace  Juneter's Ace  |
Stone Wall Dinah  |
Home Guard Brindie  |
Noways Red Prince  |
M Liss O Nilloh  |
Kennebec´s First Lady  |
Thelwall Gunga Din  |
not available |
not available |
Shacklefords Polka Dot  |
Shacklefords Corporal  |
Kamel Red Mischief  |
Amelia Kate  |
Am CH Bill-mar´s Mr Kelley  |
Bill Mar´s Big Mack  |
AM CH Stone Wall Chuckie  AM CH Stone Wall Chuckie  |
Stone-wall Coppersmith  |
Home Guard Brindie  |
Phoebe´s Winsome Win  |
not available |
not available |
Bill-mar S Lady Rosina  |
Am CY Marmac's Kandy Kid  Am CY Marmac's Kandy Kid  |
USA Ch Marmac's Pabbie´s King  |
Bill-mar S Lady Rosina  |
Margie´s Princess Babe  |
not available |
not available |
Queen Of Sheba (usa)  |
Y V Jimbo  |
Mr Jim Of Hughes Towers  |
not available |
not available |
Ginger Of Sandyacres  |
not available |
not available |
Mayford´s Mug O´luck  |
John Alden  |
not available |
not available |
Muggins Sandra Ii  |
not available |
not available |
Shacklefords Sugar Patches  |
USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar And Joe  USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar And Joe  |
Sequels Smasherjoe  |
Ch Snowman Kenilworth Samson  Ch Snowman Kenilworth Samson  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  |
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  |
Stormers Kenilworth Lass  |
Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch  Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch  |
Dutchess Lady  |
Sandow Sequel  |
Ch Ashford Superb  |
Ch, Int Ch Thel's Pal Of Wiggin  |
Noways Kola Of Ashford  |
Sandow Priss  |
Ch Sandow  Ch Sandow  |
Corson´s Cookie  |
USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar Plum  USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar Plum  |
Cha-ru´s Hercules  |
Am CH Bon Homme´s Little Nugget  |
Am CH Double Nugget  Am CH Double Nugget  |
Bon Homme´s Bonita  |
Am CH Bon Homme Admiral´s Ginger  |
Bon Homme Admiral  |
Bon Homme´s Dorthea Nugget  |
Golden Taffy  |
AM CH Stone Wall Chuckie  AM CH Stone Wall Chuckie  |
Stone-wall Coppersmith  |
Home Guard Brindie  |
Shacklefords Golden Girl  |
Charmdell´s Copper Poncy  |
Shacklefords Goldie  |
Fisher´s Princess Honeybee  |
Cotty´s Fabulous Ka-cee Jr  |
Am CH Bon Homme´s Peter Beautiful  |
Bon Homme Admiral  |
Am CH Double Nugget  Am CH Double Nugget  |
Bon Homme´s Bonita  |
Am CH Fasinating Sandy´s Rachel  |
Bon Homme Admiral  |
Fasinating Sandy  |
Bon Homme Admiral´s Judy  |
Bon Homme Admiral  |
Am CH Double Nugget  Am CH Double Nugget  |
Bon Homme´s Bonita  |
Wise Own Little Tornado  |
Millview´s Topper  |
Wise Lady Marion Angelface  |
Kistlers Honey Bee  |
Cotty´s Fabulous Ka-cee Jr  |
Am CH Bon Homme´s Peter Beautiful  |
Bon Homme Admiral  |
Am CH Fasinating Sandy´s Rachel  |
Bon Homme Admiral´s Judy  |
Bon Homme Admiral  |
Wise Own Little Tornado  |
Bon Homme´s Savanah  |
Bon Homme´s Tub O´nugget  |
Am CH Bon Homme´s Little Nugget  |
Len Mar Samoa Of Twin Shot  |
Bon Homme´s Carry On  |
Bon Homme Admiral  |
Am CH Fasinating Sandy´s Rachel  |