Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Hash De Toros Bulls  Hash De Toros Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Bono Von Sampras  |
Lauras Joaquin  |
Manzo Of Composant  |
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Las Margys Jacqui Frazie  |
Ch Slaghek William  Ch Slaghek William  |
Belheddon Tilson  Belheddon Tilson  |
Kingrock Pugilist  Kingrock Pugilist  |
The River Dancer  |
Land Of Freedoms By Out At Slaghek  |
Ch Sandean Sir Maxim  Ch Sandean Sir Maxim  |
Absolute Beginner Van Het Slaghek  |
Las Margy's Abril  |
Ch Mariobull Red Baron  Ch Mariobull Red Baron  |
Ch, Int Ch Flying Big Harry Deal  Ch, Int Ch Flying Big Harry Deal  |
Showtime Replica  |
Malandra Del Mirador  |
Ch Camelot The Legend Of Mr. Bull  Ch Camelot The Legend Of Mr. Bull  |
Virgin Forest Del Mirador  Virgin Forest Del Mirador  |
A-shania On My Way  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch B-otto Buster Big Papi  Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch B-otto Buster Big Papi  |
Ch Ayro's & Rodca Let It Be At Montaņa Mistica  Ch Ayro's & Rodca Let It Be At Montaņa Mistica  |
Ch Rocso Kirium Arias  Ch Rocso Kirium Arias  |
Mex Ch Outdoors Viscount  |
Mex Ch Rocso Sonia Anguera  |
Ayro's Cleo  |
Ch, Int Ch Ayro's Cooper  Ch, Int Ch Ayro's Cooper  |
Hh Diana Dalila ( Hernandez )  |
Strong Bullīs Star  |
not available |
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not available |
Roxy Badu Ch D'anaher  |
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not available |
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not available |
Aurabull Dolly Glaser Toros  Aurabull Dolly Glaser Toros  |
Aurabull Counterstrike  |
Ch Poboy's Surely Sherman  Ch Poboy's Surely Sherman  |
Ch Adamant Warlock  Ch Adamant Warlock  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  |
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus  Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice  |
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow  Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow  |
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting  Ch Roscoe's White Lighting  |
Ch Unionmac Rave Review  |
Ch Poboy's Blaryn Dixie  |
Ch Poboy's No'bettah Okie  |
Ch Poboy's Dandee  |
Poboy's Patience Ward  |
Poboy's Blaryn Sugar-n-spice  |
Ch Dunebrae Prime Time  Ch Dunebrae Prime Time  |
Classybull Bubbles O'blaryn  |
Miamibull Candela Of Lyerly  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Wildfire  Ch Cherokee Legend Wildfire  |
Ch Legacy's Only Calvin Klein  Ch Legacy's Only Calvin Klein  |
Ch Only Ralph Lauren  Ch Only Ralph Lauren  |
Hurricane Legacy Irish Red  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Donna  Ch Cherokee Legend Donna  |
Ch Little Ponds Chief  Ch Little Ponds Chief  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower  Ch Cherokee Legend Flower  |
Lyerly's Its All About Me  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Aurabull Fashion Girl  |
Lyerly's Play Boy  |
Ch Phenix's Fire Chief  Ch Phenix's Fire Chief  |
Ch Little Ponds Chief  Ch Little Ponds Chief  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth  Ch Cherokee Legend Garth  |
Ch Little Ponds Splash  Ch Little Ponds Splash  |
Dk's Ph. D  Dk's Ph. D  |
Smashercal Jbrare Bigmacatac  |
Dk's I Want It Now  Dk's I Want It Now  |
Ch. Showtime Cherub Of Lyerly  Ch. Showtime Cherub Of Lyerly  |
Lyerly's Rolls Royce  Lyerly's Rolls Royce  |
Ch Beauties Amos  Ch Beauties Amos  |
Lyerly's Leather N'lace  Lyerly's Leather N'lace  |
Lyerly's Heaven Sent Of Sandstone  Lyerly's Heaven Sent Of Sandstone  |
Sandstone Vegas Connection  |
Ch Sandstone Fancy Pants  |
Mariobull Muggista Of Showtime  |
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Millcoats Muggs  Ch, Int Ch, GCh Millcoats Muggs  |
Ch Millcoats Solomon  Ch Millcoats Solomon  |
Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah  Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah  |
Ch Millcoats Zoe Anna  Ch Millcoats Zoe Anna  |
Ch Millcoats Vivian  |
Ch Millcoats Titus  Ch Millcoats Titus  |
Windmill Acres' Scarlet Sage  |
Showtime Y Two K  Showtime Y Two K  |
Ch. Nobozz Wild Willy  Ch. Nobozz Wild Willy  |
Ch Nobozz Del Boy  Ch Nobozz Del Boy  |
Swalesboy Carnival Fair  |
Showtime Laura Ashley  |
Ch Sandstone Showtime Ruffus  |
Showtime Rejoice  |
Emma ( Colombianbulls)  Emma ( Colombianbulls)  |
Alfred Ruilova's Bulldog  |
Kodiak De La Casa Glaser  Kodiak De La Casa Glaser  |
Vocho ( Garcia )  |
Tomb Rider ( Calderon )  Tomb Rider ( Calderon )  |
Ch, Int Ch Little Ponds Easy Rider  Ch, Int Ch Little Ponds Easy Rider  |
Little Ponds Pale Rider  Little Ponds Pale Rider  |
Little Ponds Amulet  Little Ponds Amulet  |
Hello Dorothy ( Calderon )  |
Ch Little Ponds Leroy  Ch Little Ponds Leroy  |
Ch M I Jeans ( Calderon )  |
Tonka  |
Poseidon ( Barba )  |
Ch, World Ch Millcoats Stix  Ch, World Ch Millcoats Stix  |
Sandy ( Escoto )  |
Lola (loe)  |
Ch Fearnought Fights For Ever  Ch Fearnought Fights For Ever  |
Dirty  |
Ch Beleza De Kingdom Bulls  Ch Beleza De Kingdom Bulls  |
Floratta Match Point By Tucky  Floratta Match Point By Tucky  |
Ch Reardons Kodiack  Ch Reardons Kodiack  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  |
Ch Hurricane Josie  |
Tucky Dandara  |
Ch Major League Ozzy Of Tucky  |
Tucky Sweet Dreams Nicolly  |
Tebas De Margared  Tebas De Margared  |
Ch Staley's American Flash  |
Flippins Jahidi  |
Staley's Hannah  |
Aleli Margared  |
Ch Von Yarbin Worthy Bull  Ch Von Yarbin Worthy Bull  |
not available |
BOY La Mafalda De Casa Lopez Y Zavallos  |
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not available |
Cora Ruilova's Bulldog  |
BOY Nacho De La Casa Glaser  |
Ch, Jr Ch Buble De Kingdombulls  |
Floratta Match Point By Tucky  Floratta Match Point By Tucky  |
Ch Reardons Kodiack  Ch Reardons Kodiack  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  |
Ch Hurricane Josie  |
Tucky Dandara  |
Ch Major League Ozzy Of Tucky  |
Tucky Sweet Dreams Nicolly  |
Tebas De Margared  Tebas De Margared  |
Ch Staley's American Flash  |
Flippins Jahidi  |
Staley's Hannah  |
Aleli Margared  |
Ch Von Yarbin Worthy Bull  Ch Von Yarbin Worthy Bull  |
not available |
Tomasa De Etz Hayim  |
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Raysha  |
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