Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Honourabull Chile'n Salsa For Ragmarte  Honourabull Chile'n Salsa For Ragmarte
Ch Saintgeorges Flash Harry Of Bandapart  Ch Saintgeorges Flash Harry Of Bandapart  |
Saintgeorges Some Might Say  Saintgeorges Some Might Say  |
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  |
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  |
Britishpride Dior  Britishpride Dior  |
Ringablok Princess  Ringablok Princess  |
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  |
Ringablok Sheena  |
Leighbeck Last Tango With Ocobo  |
Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  |
Eng Ch Belushi Rythm & Blues  Eng Ch Belushi Rythm & Blues  |
Eng Ch Belushi De La Soul  Eng Ch Belushi De La Soul  |
Leighbeck Royal Roots  |
Golden Reverie At Leighbeck  Golden Reverie At Leighbeck  |
Leighbeck Santa S Cupid  Leighbeck Santa S Cupid  |
Saintgeorges Stand Proud  Saintgeorges Stand Proud  |
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees  Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees  |
Mystyle Mcvicar Of Ocobo  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Ocobo Red Rose  |
Terlingfair Flirty Girty Of Mystyle  |
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  |
In For A Penny  |
Saintgeorges Look At Me  Saintgeorges Look At Me  |
Aldridge Albany  Aldridge Albany  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Aldridge Apalena  |
Southgate Mollys Girle Of Saintgeorges  |
Southgate Barrow Boy  |
Southgate Joīs Sovereign  |
Hiising Hii Octane Saintgeorges  Hiising Hii Octane Saintgeorges  |
Ch, BOY Saintgeorges Shakermaker Mystyle  Ch, BOY Saintgeorges Shakermaker Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  |
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  |
Britishpride Dior  Britishpride Dior  |
Ringablok Princess  Ringablok Princess  |
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  |
Ringablok Sheena  |
Saintgeorges Stand Proud  Saintgeorges Stand Proud  |
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees  Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees  |
Mystyle Mcvicar Of Ocobo  |
Terlingfair Flirty Girty Of Mystyle  |
Saintgeorges Look At Me  Saintgeorges Look At Me  |
Aldridge Albany  Aldridge Albany  |
Southgate Mollys Girle Of Saintgeorges  |
Hiising Slightly Tipsy  |
Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly  Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly  |
Hiising Hells Angel  |
Lynmans Morris  |
Swalesboy Snowy Mort Hiising  |
Hot Ruby At Nobozz  |
Hillplace Musketeer  |
Delightful Daisy  |
Medbull Ms Dynamite  |
Ch, Int Ch Medbull Earth Mover  Ch, Int Ch Medbull Earth Mover  |
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  |
Eng Ch Medbull Barbie Girl  Eng Ch Medbull Barbie Girl  |
Hiising Lucki Lulu At Medbull  Hiising Lucki Lulu At Medbull  |
Ch Nobozz Del Boy  Ch Nobozz Del Boy  |
Hiising Half A Sixpence  |
Little Red Rose At Honourabull  |
Nosredna White Knight  |
Glyndee Charming Charlie  Glyndee Charming Charlie  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  |
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  |
Britishpride Dior  Britishpride Dior  |
Ringablok Princess  Ringablok Princess  |
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  |
Ringablok Sheena  |
Glyndee Rain Dancer  Glyndee Rain Dancer  |
Dewrie Celtic Star  |
Celticrose Snowman Of Dewrie  |
Dewrie Cariad Mam  |
Glyndee September Breeze  Glyndee September Breeze  |
Mystyle Gunner Pride Of Ringablok  |
Glyndee Mayfair Minx  |
Nosredna Elliemay  |
Clayburn Extra Special With Nosredna  |
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Merriveen Quite Contrary  Merriveen Quite Contrary  |
Nosredna Sheena Of Clayburn  |
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  |
Rohene Bessie Bustle At Nosredna  |
Nosredna Another Barbie  |
Kenmillone British Isles At Fullmarks  |
Fullmarks Skipper Do  Fullmarks Skipper Do  |
Mystyle Passion Flower  |
Rohene Bessie Bustle At Nosredna  |
Celticrose Snowman Of Dewrie  |
Rohene Hustle Bustle  |
Holly Polly  |
Fullmarks Skipper Too  |
Fullmarks Imperial Boy  |
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  |
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic  Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic  |
Petworth Polly Perkins  Petworth Polly Perkins  |
Strawberry Shortcake  |
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  |
Britishpride Dior  Britishpride Dior  |
Fullmarks Miss Tiramisu  |
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  |
Bewley Anzac  |
Ocobo New Edition  Ocobo New Edition  |
Britishpride Dior  Britishpride Dior  |
Britishpride Power'n Glory  Britishpride Power'n Glory  |
Ch Britishpride Hanky Panky  Ch Britishpride Hanky Panky  |
Brarabus Claydette  |
Terlingfair Maurice For Brarabus  |
Jaminic Gold Award  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Jaminic Gold Impression  Jaminic Gold Impression  |
Terlingfair Cappuccino  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Terlingfair Angora  |
Brarabus Cassiopeia  |
Ch Mystyle Amos Ocobo  Ch Mystyle Amos Ocobo  |
Wyebuleigh Third Domain From Ivabully  Wyebuleigh Third Domain From Ivabully  |
Mystyle Mozaic  Mystyle Mozaic  |
Brarabus Aphrodite  |
Jimmys Jock At Brarabus  |
Adendale Spot On At Brarabus  |
New Soul Love On A Lead With Laroyal  New Soul Love On A Lead With Laroyal  |
Laroyal Luther King Jw Shcm  Laroyal Luther King Jw Shcm  |
Jaminic Specification  Jaminic Specification  |
Wedgebury Leo  Wedgebury Leo  |
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  |
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Kelloe Allum Chine  |
Bullycraft Ikeīs Girl At Medbull  Bullycraft Ikeīs Girl At Medbull  |
Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz  Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz  |
Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft  Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft  |
Wedgebury Eskimo Nell  |
Amurton Dirty Harry At Kingrock  Amurton Dirty Harry At Kingrock  |
Ch. Int. Kingrock Buster  Ch. Int. Kingrock Buster  |
Sophisticated Sophie Of Amurton  |
Wedgebury Rosie Rainbow  |
Aldridge Adam  Aldridge Adam  |
Tuffnuts Tasty  |
Jaminic Gold Impression  Jaminic Gold Impression  |
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  |
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Kelloe Allum Chine  |
Bullycraft Ikeīs Girl At Medbull  Bullycraft Ikeīs Girl At Medbull  |
Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz  Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz  |
Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft  Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft  |
Sweet Noble Of Jaminic  |
Tymaro Trip  Tymaro Trip  |
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic  Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic  |
Jessie Wilamenia At Tymaro  |
Ambitious Bessy Bunter  |
Packapunch Barney  Packapunch Barney  |
Ambitious Kizzy  |
Lady Of Lerwick At Laroyal  Lady Of Lerwick At Laroyal  |
Laroyal Lordship  Laroyal Lordship  |
Ch, Int Ch Medbull Earth Mover  Ch, Int Ch Medbull Earth Mover  |
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  |
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  |
Bullycraft Ikeīs Girl At Medbull  Bullycraft Ikeīs Girl At Medbull  |
Eng Ch Medbull Barbie Girl  Eng Ch Medbull Barbie Girl  |
Eng Ch Balfour Action Man Of Laroyal J.w  Eng Ch Balfour Action Man Of Laroyal J.w  |
Hiising Lucki Lulu At Medbull  Hiising Lucki Lulu At Medbull  |
Laroyal Wonder Woman  |
Eng Ch Balfour Action Man Of Laroyal J.w  Eng Ch Balfour Action Man Of Laroyal J.w  |
Packapunch Boy  Packapunch Boy  |
Outdoors Lizzy Maud At Balfour  |
Balfour Bonnie For Laroyal  Balfour Bonnie For Laroyal  |
Berrybrook Blown Up A Storm  Berrybrook Blown Up A Storm  |
Balfour Katiedown Did It  |
Laroyal Princess Forever  Laroyal Princess Forever  |
Eng Ch Balfour Action Man Of Laroyal J.w  Eng Ch Balfour Action Man Of Laroyal J.w  |
Packapunch Boy  Packapunch Boy  |
Tuffntrusty Charmer  Tuffntrusty Charmer  |
Coco Calypso  |
Outdoors Lizzy Maud At Balfour  |
Aldridge Apalation  Aldridge Apalation  |
Outdoors E-type  |
Kenex Albianna Of Laroyal  |
Aldridge Aquarius  Aldridge Aquarius  |
Ch Isgraig Red Baron  Ch Isgraig Red Baron  |
Crufts 1991 Eng Ch. Aldridge Avita  Crufts 1991 Eng Ch. Aldridge Avita  |
Bonnie Lady  |
Olly Clever Clogs  |
Silver Scimitar  |
Frachel De La Fee Des Bulls  Frachel De La Fee Des Bulls  |
Ch Vin Diesel Of Burly Bulky Bulls  Ch Vin Diesel Of Burly Bulky Bulls  |
Ch Belushi Duke Of Earl  Ch Belushi Duke Of Earl  |
Eng Ch Belushi Rythm & Blues  Eng Ch Belushi Rythm & Blues  |
Britishpride Power'n Glory  Britishpride Power'n Glory  |
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  |
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride  Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride  |
Eng. Ch. Belushi Floy Joy  Eng. Ch. Belushi Floy Joy  |
Ch Shebador Our Floyd At Ocobo  Ch Shebador Our Floyd At Ocobo  |
Wigin Wanda Of Belushi  |
Belushi New Sensation  Belushi New Sensation  |
Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  |
Eng Ch Belushi Rythm & Blues  Eng Ch Belushi Rythm & Blues  |
Eng Ch Belushi De La Soul  Eng Ch Belushi De La Soul  |
Belushi Pride And Joy  Belushi Pride And Joy  |
Britishpride Power'n Glory  Britishpride Power'n Glory  |
Eng. Ch. Belushi Floy Joy  Eng. Ch. Belushi Floy Joy  |
Ch Rave Party  Ch Rave Party  |
Ch Submarine  Ch Submarine  |
Ch Magdala Mr. Chips  Ch Magdala Mr. Chips  |
Outdoors Captain Cook  |
Ch Pickwick Timbra  Ch Pickwick Timbra  |
Yanci Of Magdala  |
Jake Gustavo Of Magdala  |
Ch Sanguliano Desire  |
Lioda Lambda  |
Ipsos De L Etang De Mirloup  |
Gaspar De La Haute Branchere  |
Chinook De Wounded Knee  |
Ninja Van Ammbern  |
Marenholt James  |
Maybe Van Ammbern  Maybe Van Ammbern  |
Early Girl Dite Emilie Du Clos De La Picoterie  Early Girl Dite Emilie Du Clos De La Picoterie  |
Barnabe Du Clos De La Picoterie  |
Int Ch Kingdome Can Kenzo I  Int Ch Kingdome Can Kenzo I  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hobtop Iced Diamond  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hobtop Iced Diamond  |
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  |
Eng Ch. Hobtop Tar Baby  Eng Ch. Hobtop Tar Baby  |
Ch Ocobo Post Scipt  Ch Ocobo Post Scipt  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  |
Ocobo Velvet Lady  |
Ulala Of Burly Bulky Bull's  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hobtop Iced Diamond  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hobtop Iced Diamond  |
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  |
Eng Ch. Hobtop Tar Baby  Eng Ch. Hobtop Tar Baby  |
Spoon Cake Of Burly Bulky Bullīs  Spoon Cake Of Burly Bulky Bullīs  |
Ch, Int Ch Crusheds Ice Crusher  Ch, Int Ch Crusheds Ice Crusher  |
Ch Rave Party  Ch Rave Party  |
Victoria Queen Du Clos De La Picoterie  |
Simpson Of Burly Bulky Bulls  |
Ch Submarine  Ch Submarine  |
Ch Magdala Mr. Chips  Ch Magdala Mr. Chips  |
Yanci Of Magdala  |
Nessie Des Bulls Du Barnum  |
Bantonloch Master Don  |
Grace Des Bulls Du Barnum  |
Ruby Precious Girl Du Dalhia Noir  |
Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Bagheera Van Het Slaghek  Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Bagheera Van Het Slaghek  |
Ch Adelbert Van Ayrshire Home  Ch Adelbert Van Ayrshire Home  |
Ch Amalia Van Het Slaghek  Ch Amalia Van Het Slaghek  |
Lorna Du Dalhia Noir  |
Of New Hamlet Court Invincible Duke  |
Iazoue  |