Am CH Vardona Untouchable

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman   
Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman   
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman
Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince   
Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince
Ch Red Sparks Of Wiggin    Red Marquis Of Wiggin  
Red Marquis Of Wiggin
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ch Roseville Barryflash   
Winlittle Quennie   Buster Storm  
Queen Of The Busk  
Tess O´ The Skerries   Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  
Skerries   Shetland Mascot  
Parkfoot Dinah  
Lady Dorothy O'dover   Little John Of Winkie   Mickey Wooney  
Mickey Wooney
Am CH British Grenadier   
Georgette Of Winkie   Ch Vardona Lord George (uk-usa)   
Ch Vardona Lord George (uk-usa)
Vardona Coronation Jewel  
Dandy Duchess O'dover   Iva's Bunjie Of Bismarck   Ch Bunjie (uk-usa)   
Ch Bunjie (uk-usa)
Lady Duffield  
Morovian The Duchess   Morovian Sessue  
Morovian Lady Paddy  
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey   
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey
Nugget Trealor  
Nugget Trealor
Can Ch Rhydian Roger    Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  
Jitterburg Judy   Crossbank Canute  
Bessie O´portmahon  
Can Ch Nugget Valet´s Lady    Ch Nugget My Valet   
Ch Nugget My Valet
Ch Basford Golden Nymph   
Ch Basford Golden Nymph
Nugget Army Gal  
Nugget Priscilla   Am Ch Kamel White Knight   
Am Ch Kamel White Knight
Falstone Re Echo  
Can USA Ch Nugget Leprachon Of Twin Shot    USA Ch Getnug Lord Jeffrey   
USA Ch Getnug Lord Jeffrey
Nugget Trealor  
Nugget Trealor
Can Ch Rhydian Roger   
Can Ch Nugget Valet´s Lady   
Queen Of Mae Belle   not available
not available
Nugget Takalass   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Webbs Leading Lady   Webbs Huffmaster   Hefty Upstart O´vardona   Jonsah Upholder   Ch Maelor Uplifter   
Ch Maelor Uplifter
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Maelor Veronica  
Irla Jan   Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Sally Come Back  
Fanciful Cracker   Crib Cracker  
Crib Cracker
Another Draftsman  
Fanciful Briget   Falstone Beautiful  
Biddy Of Romley  
Webbs Somercharm   not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Vardona Leading Lady   Hefty Upstart O´vardona   Jonsah Upholder   Ch Maelor Uplifter   
Ch Maelor Uplifter
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Maelor Veronica  
Irla Jan   Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Sally Come Back  
Fanciful Cracker   Crib Cracker  
Crib Cracker
Another Draftsman  
Fanciful Briget   Falstone Beautiful  
Biddy Of Romley  
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey   
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey
Nugget Trealor  
Nugget Trealor
Can Ch Rhydian Roger    Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Jitterburg Judy  
Can Ch Nugget Valet´s Lady    Ch Nugget My Valet   
Ch Nugget My Valet
Nugget Priscilla  
Can USA Ch Nugget Leprachon Of Twin Shot    USA Ch Getnug Lord Jeffrey   
USA Ch Getnug Lord Jeffrey
Nugget Trealor  
Nugget Trealor
Queen Of Mae Belle  
Nugget Takalass   not available
not available
Kamel Mischief Queen   Ch Altonian Supremist    Eng. Ch. Milord Of The Regions   
Eng. Ch. Milord Of The Regions
Ch Maelor Solarium   
Ch Maelor Solarium
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney   Broth Of A Bhoy  
Nero's Daughter  
Mount View Susie   Tony's Double  
Owlthorne Limestar  
Maelor Veronica   Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ch Roseville Barryflash   
Maelor Sunflower   Am Ch Vardona Individualist   
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  
Wicked Lady Of The Regions   Cliftonwood Son O´ Taffy   Welsh Guardsman   Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Princess Bonny  
Princess Bonny
Juliet Of Barbury   Altonian Red Rebel  
Topaz Of Maythorpe  
Whitmore Beauty   Chunky Boy   not available
not available
Amrondine Amber   not available
not available
Altonian White Joker   Ch Maelor Superb   
Ch Maelor Superb
Ch Maelor Solarium   
Ch Maelor Solarium
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney  
Mount View Susie  
Maelor Veronica   Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Maelor Sunflower  
Ch Maelor Primula    Ch Allithorne Truant   
Ch Allithorne Truant
Allithorne Rodney  
Yeolden Susan  
Maelor Muscari   Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Maelor Veronica  
Altonian White Moth   Ch Altonian Regal    Calgarth Monarch Of The Bay   Rowsley Mainstar  
Mainstar Of The Bay  
Busty Lynn   Cadley Dough Boy  
Cadley Dough Boy
Blythe Bag O'trix  
Altonian Patch   Ch Brownslane Buddy    Ch Maelor Solarium   
Ch Maelor Solarium
Brownslane Maryzone April  
Altonian Cinders   Tom Thumb (1940)  
Alton Jewel  
Smitty's Maxine   Averills Maximilian   Am CH Averills Major Tuck   
Am CH Averills Major Tuck
Am CH Brindy Prince O´dunwandrin    Jacmins Crovanspring   not available
not available
Wee Willie Winkie I I   not available
not available
Am CH Averills Belinda   
Am CH Averills Belinda
Ch Jacmins Ferdinand    Jacmins Crovanspring  
Jacmins Grunt  
Averills Majorette   not available
not available
Averills Maxine  
Averills Maxine
Maxmal Stevedore Averill   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Averills Rachel   Averills Sargeant Major   Ch Hobbyhorne Cinnastar I I   
Averills Linda  
Averills Bit O' Charm   Averills Son O'captain  
Charminster Spiderine  
Hefty My Lucky One   not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available