Slaughterman's Gilda

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Xorima´s Coffee  
Xorima´s Coffee
Slaughtermans Gandhi  
Slaughtermans Gandhi
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Tugga Revenge  
Tugga Revenge
Delanjoy Broadway Becky Of Tugga  
Kelloe Hello   Ch Tyegarth Jacob Of Kelloe   
Ch Tyegarth Jacob Of Kelloe
Fallen Angel Of Kelloe  
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Tugga Revenge  
Tugga Revenge
Delanjoy Broadway Becky Of Tugga  
Charlie Girl At Esclusham   Ocobo Stormaway  
Bantonloch My Choice  
Merriveen Mona Lisa  
Merriveen Mona Lisa
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully   
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Bewley Anzac   Carsvale Sonny At Bronorn  
Ocobo Temptation At Bewley  
Ocobo New Edition  
Ocobo New Edition
Ocobo Lladro  
Ocobo Lladro
Reflections Of Ocobo  
Reflections Of Ocobo
Thydeal Be Loved   Thydeal Young Adventurer   Thydeal Maybe Of Lucky  
Thydeal Maybe Of Lucky
Thydeal Brief Encounter  
Thydeal Brief Encounter   Thydeal Enterprise  
Thydeal Kerry Gold  
Thydeal Kerry Gold
Whitneyhouston Di Villa Eden  
Whitneyhouston Di Villa Eden
Merriveen Make Merry  
Merriveen Make Merry
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Kelloe Hello  
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Charlie Girl At Esclusham  
Merriveen Mona Lisa  
Merriveen Mona Lisa
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully   
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Bewley Anzac  
Ocobo New Edition  
Ocobo New Edition
Thydeal Be Loved   Thydeal Young Adventurer  
Thydeal Brief Encounter  
Victoria Di Villa Eden   Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust   
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Lamplighter  
Lynmans Madam Cyn  
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Kelloe Allum Chine   Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Kelloe Hello  
Backstreet Baron   Ch Kingrock Freezo   
Ch Kingrock Freezo
Ocobo Joy  
Ocobo Joy
Aveline Dorry   Freecloud Of Outdoors  
Bondabull Tasha Of Aveline  
Xorima´s Anka  
Xorima´s Anka
Slaughtermans Juli   Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready   
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Merriveen Milady   Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid  
Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid
Merriveen Maybe Lucky  
Merriveen Quite Contrary  
Merriveen Quite Contrary
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully   
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Bewley Anzac  
Ocobo New Edition  
Ocobo New Edition
Merriveen Mary Mary   Ch Coatesmar Gabriel Oak   
Ch Coatesmar Gabriel Oak
Merriveen Mint  
Ch Por. Didone Di Villa Eden   
Ch Por. Didone Di Villa Eden
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Merriveen Milady   Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid  
Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid
Merriveen Maybe Lucky  
Monil Di Villa Eden   Ch Italia Kelloe Geordie    Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ocobo Lazy Daisy For Kelloe  
Isotta Dei Prati Verdi   Ocobo Occamist  
Victoria (i)  
Slaughterman´s Ofelia  
Slaughterman´s Ofelia
Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull   
Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull
Budas De Oro Bulky  
Budas De Oro Bulky
Sp Ch La Chata Blood Red   
Sp Ch La Chata Blood Red
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust   
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez  
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez
Ch Fearnought Fights For Ever   
Ch Fearnought Fights For Ever
Coca Babys  
Coca Babys
Kelloe Crushed Silver Dust  
Kelloe Crushed Silver Dust
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe   
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe
Kratos Cool Sundae At Kelloe  
Crusheds Crown Jewell  
Crusheds Crown Jewell
Woferlow Well Beloved  
Woferlow Well Beloved
Helmlake First Choice  
Helmlake First Choice
Whitneyhouston Di Villa Eden  
Whitneyhouston Di Villa Eden
Merriveen Make Merry  
Merriveen Make Merry
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Merriveen Mona Lisa  
Merriveen Mona Lisa
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully   
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Thydeal Be Loved  
Victoria Di Villa Eden   Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust   
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Kelloe Allum Chine  
Backstreet Baron  
Aveline Dorry  
Slaughterman's Farah   Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, BOY Seehurst Hand Of Stone   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, BOY Seehurst Hand Of Stone
CH Eng Iceglint I´m William   
CH Eng Iceglint I´m William
Ch, BOY Iceglint I´m Harry   
Ch, BOY Iceglint I´m Harry
Lynmans Stagestruck  
Lynmans Stagestruck
Lynmans Sandow  
Lynmans Sandow
Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Lynmans Tamsin  
Lynmans Scarlet O Hara   Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Lynmans Play Dixie For Me  
Biddle I´m Roxanne Iceglint   Iceglint I´m Spike  
Iceglint I´m Spike
Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Iceglint I´m Primrose  
Biddle Closer To The Truth   Aldridge Acadamy Award  
Aldridge Acadamy Award
Brinscall Dora  
Brinscall Dora
Iceglint I´m Dolce  
Iceglint I´m Dolce
Iceglint I'm Edward  
Iceglint I'm Edward
Iceglint I´m Spike  
Iceglint I´m Spike
Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Iceglint I´m Primrose  
Pastrich Beauty Patches By Iceglint  
Pastrich Beauty Patches By Iceglint
BOY Iceglint I´m Alfred  
BOY Iceglint I´m Alfred
Manhatten Bella Of Pastrich  
Manhatten Bella Of Pastrich
Iceglint I´m Katie  
Iceglint I´m Katie
Iceglint I´m Spike  
Iceglint I´m Spike
Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Iceglint I´m Primrose  
Iceglint I´m Maddison   Ch Outdoors Sinbad   
Ch Outdoors Sinbad
Iceglint I´m Sophie  
Iceglint I´m Sophie
Unstopabull Victoria Cross   JNR CH PERU San Simon Bulls Ray To Unstopabull   
JNR CH PERU San Simon Bulls Ray To Unstopabull
Rembombory Jacob  
Rembombory Jacob
Ch, Int Ch Dos Aguas Jacob   
Ch, Int Ch Dos Aguas Jacob
Jacobs Pied Piper  
Sp Gbz Int Eur Ch Kelloe British Pageant   
Sp Gbz Int Eur Ch Kelloe British Pageant
Rembombory Angie Power  
Rembombory Angie Power
Ch Merriveen Court Martial   
Ch Merriveen Court Martial
Rembombory Angie  
Rembombory Angie
San Simon Bulls Simphony  
San Simon Bulls Simphony
Ch Rembombory Regal   
Ch Rembombory Regal
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust   
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Vachart Corin  
Vachart Corin
American Pye San Simon Bulls  
American Pye San Simon Bulls
Ch Nobozz Del Boy   
Ch Nobozz Del Boy
Mervander Turkish Delight  
Mervander Turkish Delight
Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull  
Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull
Groz Kriger Ismael  
Groz Kriger Ismael
Ch Groz Kriger Viscount   
Ch Groz Kriger Viscount
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready   
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready
Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Yeya   
Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Yeya
Groz Kriger Uganda   Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees   
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees
Ch April Full Moon Kwai   
Ch April Full Moon Kwai
Red Blossum Of Hadabull   Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke   
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke
Ringablok Princess  
Ringablok Princess
Mystyle Miss Maizie For Jimalf  
Mystyle Miss Maizie For Jimalf
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder   
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder
Ch Mystyle Madonna   
Ch Mystyle Madonna
Slaughterman's Degina   Slaughtermans Gandhi  
Slaughtermans Gandhi
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Kelloe Hello  
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Charlie Girl At Esclusham  
Merriveen Mona Lisa  
Merriveen Mona Lisa
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully   
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Bewley Anzac  
Ocobo New Edition  
Ocobo New Edition
Thydeal Be Loved   Thydeal Young Adventurer  
Thydeal Brief Encounter  
Whitneyhouston Di Villa Eden  
Whitneyhouston Di Villa Eden
Merriveen Make Merry  
Merriveen Make Merry
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Merriveen Mona Lisa  
Merriveen Mona Lisa
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully   
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Thydeal Be Loved  
Victoria Di Villa Eden   Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust   
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Kelloe Allum Chine  
Backstreet Baron  
Aveline Dorry  
Ch Por. Didone Di Villa Eden   
Ch Por. Didone Di Villa Eden
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Kelloe Hello  
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Charlie Girl At Esclusham  
Merriveen Milady   Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid  
Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid
Audstan Sigmund Snugglebutt At Aceeye  
Audstan Sigmund Snugglebutt At Aceeye
Hyten Hubble Bubble  
Merriveen Maybe Lucky   Merriveen Frozen Asset  
Merriveen Hi-daze  
Monil Di Villa Eden   Ch Italia Kelloe Geordie    Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Kelloe Hello  
Ocobo Lazy Daisy For Kelloe   Muffin Man At Ocobo  
Muffin Man At Ocobo
Jubycane Delta Queen  
Isotta Dei Prati Verdi   Ocobo Occamist   Ch Storming Passion At Ocobo   
Ch Storming Passion At Ocobo
Reflections Of Ocobo  
Reflections Of Ocobo
Victoria (i)   Brenuth Bowdiddly  
Brenuth Bowdiddly
Brenuth Nutmeg