Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
The Joker Mondragón
Ghost Díaz  |
Ozzy ( Garcia De Leon / Mendoza )  |
Ch Exact Classic Comet  Ch Exact Classic Comet  |
Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach  Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach  |
Ch Millcoats Noah Of Bullrun  Ch Millcoats Noah Of Bullrun  |
Ch Millcoats Titus  Ch Millcoats Titus  |
Ch Blackeyed Susan Of Bullrun  |
Millcoats Dawnstar  |
Ch Dunebrae Prime Time  Ch Dunebrae Prime Time  |
Ch Millcoats Ziggy  Ch Millcoats Ziggy  |
Exact Classic Shooting Star  Exact Classic Shooting Star  |
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd  Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd  |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  |
Cherokee Ultimate Jasmine  |
Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian  Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian  |
Ch Cherokee Heavensent Avalanche  Ch Cherokee Heavensent Avalanche  |
Cherokee Red Wing  |
Rojas's Diva  |
Ch Glendars Dylan  Ch Glendars Dylan  |
Ch Beauties Amos  Ch Beauties Amos  |
Ch Millcoats Titus  Ch Millcoats Titus  |
Ch Beauties Repeat  |
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty  Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty  |
Ch Little Ponds Chief  Ch Little Ponds Chief  |
Ch Glendars Easter Sensation  Ch Glendars Easter Sensation  |
Rojas's Salma  Rojas's Salma  |
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal  Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal  |
Ch Adamant Warlock  Ch Adamant Warlock  |
Silverspoon's Born Into The Lace  |
Little Ponds Kate  |
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence  Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence  |
Ch Little Ponds Marcella's Sophi  Ch Little Ponds Marcella's Sophi  |
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Jessie Alanis  Jessie Alanis  |
Big Ben Of Steel  |
Rembombory Cheyene  |
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  |
Ch Rembombory Regal  Ch Rembombory Regal  |
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  |
Vachart Corin  Vachart Corin  |
San Simon Bulls Star Bocatta  |
Ch. Nobozz Pride Of Britain Of Mervander  Ch. Nobozz Pride Of Britain Of Mervander  |
Pearl From The Bulls Compagne  Pearl From The Bulls Compagne  |
Rembombory Madonna  Rembombory Madonna  |
Ch The Hopis Bullet  Ch The Hopis Bullet  |
Ch Nobozz Del Boy  Ch Nobozz Del Boy  |
Medbull Little Cherub At Nobozz  Medbull Little Cherub At Nobozz  |
Rembombory Triana  Rembombory Triana  |
Ch Rembombory Regal  Ch Rembombory Regal  |
Rembombory Britney  Rembombory Britney  |
Maylin  Maylin  |
Little Eddie Boy ( Calderon )  Little Eddie Boy ( Calderon )  |
Ch Little Ponds Leroy  Ch Little Ponds Leroy  |
Ch Millcoats Titus  Ch Millcoats Titus  |
Ch Little Ponds Splash  Ch Little Ponds Splash  |
Ch M I Jeans ( Calderon )  |
Ch Cherokee Pecos Pete  |
Ch Sweet Emily ( Calderon )  |
Annia Gutiérrez  Annia Gutiérrez  |
Ch Cherokee Heavensent Avalanche  Ch Cherokee Heavensent Avalanche  |
Ch Samsted Smirnoff Ice  Ch Samsted Smirnoff Ice  |
Ch Cherokee Post Hoc Hannah  Ch Cherokee Post Hoc Hannah  |
Sasha Barba  |
Ch, World Ch Millcoats Stix  Ch, World Ch Millcoats Stix  |
Mex Ch Benigbe Barba  |
Kassey Wonder  |
Rojas's Obsession Standing Ovation  |
Ch Rojas's The Return  Ch Rojas's The Return  |
Ch Glendars Dylan  Ch Glendars Dylan  |
Ch Beauties Amos  Ch Beauties Amos  |
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty  Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty  |
Rojas's Salma  Rojas's Salma  |
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal  Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal  |
Little Ponds Kate  |
Lesabulldogs Valentina  |
Ch Little Ponds Spike The Tank  Ch Little Ponds Spike The Tank  |
Ch Adamant Show And Tell  Ch Adamant Show And Tell  |
Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue  Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue  |
Leticia Vom Marbach  Leticia Vom Marbach  |
Gregorio Del Soler  Gregorio Del Soler  |
Pepita Vom Marbach  |
Arenita  |
Star Jaime  Star Jaime  |
Corazon Taurino ( Hernandez )  |
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )  Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )  |
Eureka ( Hernandez )  |
Peggy Sue Jaime  |
Ch The Handsome Ben ( Castillo )  |
Cleopatra ( Jaime )  |
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Oladapo Trixie  Oladapo Trixie  |
Cabo Mondragon  Cabo Mondragon  |
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Sasha Belka Mondragon  Sasha Belka Mondragon  |
Rokamarbulls Jack Jack  Rokamarbulls Jack Jack  |
Ch Rembombory Quick  Ch Rembombory Quick  |
Ch. San Simon Bulls Quicksilver  Ch. San Simon Bulls Quicksilver  |
Rembombory Joy  Rembombory Joy  |
Rembombory Triniti  Rembombory Triniti  |
Rembombory Jimena  |
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  |
Rembombory Sasha  |
Rembombory Coloreta  Rembombory Coloreta  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Delemavosbull Another Champion  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Delemavosbull Another Champion  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Cacharel  Int Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Cacharel  |
Rembombory Soberana  |
Ch Esp. Rembombory August  Ch Esp. Rembombory August  |
Rembombory Triana  Rembombory Triana  |
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Maggie Mondragon  Maggie Mondragon  |
Rokamarbulls Jack Jack  Rokamarbulls Jack Jack  |
Ch Rembombory Quick  Ch Rembombory Quick  |
Ch. San Simon Bulls Quicksilver  Ch. San Simon Bulls Quicksilver  |
Rembombory Joy  Rembombory Joy  |
Rembombory Romeo  Rembombory Romeo  |
Int Ch Rembombory Love Story  Int Ch Rembombory Love Story  |
Rembombory Triniti  Rembombory Triniti  |
Rembombory Lord Charlie  |
Rembombory Let It Be  |
Rembombory Jimena  |
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  |
Ch Rembombory Regal  Ch Rembombory Regal  |
San Simon Bulls Star Bocatta  |
Rembombory Sasha  |
Rembombory Junior Boy  |
Rembombory Nostra Damus  |
Rembombory Coloreta  Rembombory Coloreta  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Delemavosbull Another Champion  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Delemavosbull Another Champion  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet  |
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  |
Rembombory Madonna  Rembombory Madonna  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Cacharel  Int Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Cacharel  |
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  |
Rembombory Becka  Rembombory Becka  |
Rembombory Soberana  |
Ch Esp. Rembombory August  Ch Esp. Rembombory August  |
Int Ch Merriveen Take Five  Int Ch Merriveen Take Five  |
Rembombory Nostra Damus  |
Rembombory Triana  Rembombory Triana  |
Ch Rembombory Regal  Ch Rembombory Regal  |
Rembombory Britney  Rembombory Britney  |
Rembombory Violeta I  Rembombory Violeta I  |
Ch.Port De Lemavosbull Another Champion  Ch.Port De Lemavosbull Another Champion  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet  |
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  |
Ch Rembombory Regal  Ch Rembombory Regal  |
San Simon Bulls Star Bocatta  |
Rembombory Madonna  Rembombory Madonna  |
Ch The Hopis Bullet  Ch The Hopis Bullet  |
Rembombory Triana  Rembombory Triana  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Cacharel  Int Ch, Multi Ch Rembombory Cacharel  |
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  |
Ch Rembombory Regal  Ch Rembombory Regal  |
San Simon Bulls Star Bocatta  |
Rembombory Becka  Rembombory Becka  |
Rembombory Joy  Rembombory Joy  |
Rembombory Machina  Rembombory Machina  |
Rembombory Roja Rosa  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Rembombory Trichet  |
Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  Ch San Simon Bulls Gastón  |
Ch Rembombory Regal  Ch Rembombory Regal  |
San Simon Bulls Star Bocatta  |
Rembombory Madonna  Rembombory Madonna  |
Ch The Hopis Bullet  Ch The Hopis Bullet  |
Rembombory Triana  Rembombory Triana  |
Rembombory Rosa Roja  |
Rembombory Boston  Rembombory Boston  |
Rembombory Belfast  Rembombory Belfast  |
Rembombory Bella  Rembombory Bella  |
Rembombory Betum  Rembombory Betum  |
Rembombory Morfeo  Rembombory Morfeo  |
Rembombory Chuss  |