Bulldogpedigree Rosettes | - Silver Pedigree Rosette. 血統図(最初の4世代)における 9 匹のチャンピョン
6 - 5 ......... Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull
6 - 5 ......... Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste
- 6,6 ......... Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo
6 - 6 ......... Merriveen Quite Contrary Merriveen Quite Contrary
6,6,6 - 6 ......... Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
5,6 - ......... Edition Of Luxe Show Time
6,6 - ......... Vachart Cintia
6,6 - ......... Int Ch Merriveen Take Five Int Ch Merriveen Take Five
5,6 - ......... Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
a,b-c,d:: 父犬方の系統繁殖はハイフォン(-)の前に表示され、母犬方の系統繁殖はハイフォン(-)の後に表示されます。
2,3-5,6 ..... 犬の名前
4,4-5,6_ 犬の名前
Garcel Bull X-men Garcel Bull X-men
Garcel Bull X-men
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Constantine Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Constantine
Ch Helmlake Marlon Ch Helmlake Marlon |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black Hope Brando Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black Hope Brando |
Helmlake Secret Lives |
Edition Of Luxe Gigan Pet Edition Of Luxe Gigan Pet |
Edition Of Luxe Born To Be Bad Edition Of Luxe Born To Be Bad |
Edition Of Luxe Lollipop |
Garcel Bull Magnolia
Multi Ch Tumbatoros Cr7 Multi Ch Tumbatoros Cr7 |
Merriveen Thats Good Merriveen Thats Good |
Tumbatoros Esponjita Tumbatoros Esponjita |
Kanterbull Wendy With Garcelbull Kanterbull Wendy With Garcelbull |
Hiising Triple Xxx Hiising Triple Xxx |
Edition Of Luxe Good Morning |
Dasha De La Bella Trini - Bombom Dasha De La Bella Trini - Bombom
Dasha De La Bella Trini - Bombom
Valleybulls Jack Daniels Valleybulls Jack Daniels
Ch That´s The Way Bulls Popeye Ch That´s The Way Bulls Popeye |
It. Ch Ocobo Big Yin Pheorm It. Ch Ocobo Big Yin Pheorm |
Lemonvom La Fuerza Del Lemonvom La Fuerza Del |
La Chata Zathura La Chata Zathura |
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle |
Isis De Canplus Isis De Canplus |
Maiorca & Stainless Bull Nina
Ch, Int Ch Golden Bull Icon Ch, Int Ch Golden Bull Icon |
Ch. Merriveen Take That Ch. Merriveen Take That |
Golden Bull Unicum Golden Bull Unicum |
Maiorca Bulls Jane Maiorca Bulls Jane |
Ch, Jr Ch Meljane Bulldogs Walter White Ch, Jr Ch Meljane Bulldogs Walter White |
Roxy San Simon Bulls Roxy San Simon Bulls |
訪問: 1247