Resultado de la consulta

Hermanos de Double A Pandora (de padre o madre)

Capua Bulldog Etika  
Capua Bulldog Etika
Cherokee Legend Willie Nelson x Capua Shaphira
Capua Luly  
Cherokee Legend Willie Nelson x Capua Shaphira
Jr Ch Double A's Honey   
Jr Ch Double A's Honey
Cherokee Legend Willie Nelson x Master Bull Pheobe
Jr Ch Montana of Island Edition   
Jr Ch Montana of Island Edition
Cherokee Legend Willie Nelson x Capua Shaphira
Ch New Generation Miley   
Ch New Generation Miley
Cherokee Legend Willie Nelson x Master Bull Pheobe
Tattoo of Osb Arnold  
Tattoo of Osb Arnold
Cherokee Legend Willie Nelson x Tattoo Of Osb Agustina
Tattoo of Osb John Cooper  
Tattoo of Osb John Cooper
Cherokee Legend Willie Nelson x Tattoo Of Osb Agustina
Tattoo of Osb Kennedy  
Tattoo of Osb Kennedy
Cherokee Legend Willie Nelson x Tattoo Of Osb Agustina
Jr Ch Tattoo of Osb Lone Ranger   
Jr Ch Tattoo of Osb Lone Ranger
Cherokee Legend Willie Nelson x Dark Night Tattoo Siberio