Resultado de la consulta
Hermanos de Reddish Ribbon Sunlihgt Emili (de padre o madre)
Gerda Little Princess

Ch, Jr Ch Porter Briks Fillip x Very Beautiful
Greys Power Femida Melani

Ch, Jr Ch Porter Briks Fillip x Suzanna La Fler
Infanta Of The Filbert

Ch, Jr Ch Porter Briks Fillip x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Samanta Ledi Smit
Jr Ch Loya Magic Melody

Ch, Jr Ch Porter Briks Fillip x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Samanta Ledi Smit
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh May Drims Moroshka

Ch, Jr Ch Porter Briks Fillip x Ch Vasena Whitebell
Royal Pride Pervaya Lady

Ch, Jr Ch Porter Briks Fillip x Riana Angel Heaven