Resultado de la consulta
Hermanos de Hetherbull Arrogant Ulysses (de padre o madre)
Bounty's Compass Rose

Bounty's Arrogant Mutineer x Bounty's Daphne
Bounty's Funny Valentine

Bounty's Arrogant Mutineer x Bounty's Daphne
Ch Bounty's I'm A Beachcomber

Bounty's Arrogant Mutineer x Bounty's Daphne
Hetherbull Arrogant Heggette

Ch Cherokee Yancey x USA Ch Hetherbull Kralan I´m The Pork
USA Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Higgins

Ch Cherokee Yancey x USA Ch Hetherbull Kralan I´m The Pork
Hetherbull Arrogant Ursula

Bounty's Arrogant Mutineer x USA Ch Hetherbull Kralan I´m The Pork
Hetherbull Hunk Of Dingman

Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate x USA Ch Hetherbull Kralan I´m The Pork
Am CH Hetherbull Othelo

Ch Cherokee Yancey x USA Ch Hetherbull Kralan I´m The Pork
Hetherbull Prime-Cut

Ch Cherokee Yancey x USA Ch Hetherbull Kralan I´m The Pork
Am CH Hetherbull Rose Of Evergreen

Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate x USA Ch Hetherbull Kralan I´m The Pork
Hetherbull Special-Cut

Ch Cherokee Yancey x USA Ch Hetherbull Kralan I´m The Pork
Jennie Darling Daphne

Bounty's Arrogant Mutineer x Jennie Her Grace