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Brothers of Il Castello Legend Break The Bank
Cavelieri Rumba

Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Golden Silver Iron Age x Il Castello My Pride
Il Castello Alciibie

Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Golden Silver Iron Age x James Bull Adria
Il Castello Clone

Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Golden Silver Iron Age x unknown
Il Castello Legend Born To Win

Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Atlas x Jr Ch Circle Legend Of Square Unstoppable
Il Castello Legend Hit The Jackpot

Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Golden Silver Iron Age x Jr Ch Circle Legend Of Square Unstoppable
Il Castello Legend Miss America

Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Atlas x Jr Ch Circle Legend Of Square Unstoppable
Il Castello Legend Mr Perfect

Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Atlas x Jr Ch Circle Legend Of Square Unstoppable
Il Castello Legend Origin Of Johnny

Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Atlas x Jr Ch Circle Legend Of Square Unstoppable
Ch, Jr Ch Il Castello Legend Poker Face

Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Atlas x Jr Ch Circle Legend Of Square Unstoppable
Il Castello Leroy

Jr Ch Winsan Chase x Jr Ch Circle Legend Of Square Unstoppable