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Father and mother brothers of Athena Tribute Boubulls Upset The Apple Cart

Athena Tribute Boubulls Umaya Bomba  
Athena Tribute Boubulls Umaya Bomba
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Goldwing Bully Pacidy Wild Bunch x Raven Des Pattes Rouges
Athena Tribute Boubulls Urios  
Athena Tribute Boubulls Urios
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Goldwing Bully Pacidy Wild Bunch x Raven Des Pattes Rouges
Jr Ch Athena Tribute Boubulls Uzy-goldwing-bully   
Jr Ch Athena Tribute Boubulls Uzy-goldwing-bully
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Goldwing Bully Pacidy Wild Bunch x Raven Des Pattes Rouges