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Brothers of Murphy (usa 1917)

Bay State Angel Face  
Mersham Grouchy x Bay State Countess
Bay State Fair Lady  
Mersham Grouchy x Bay State Countess
Bay State Tantalizer  
Mersham Tantalizer x Bay State Countess
Blatant Black Caricature  
Ch Silent White Duke x Bay State Countess
Mersham Adele  
Mersham Grouchy x Bay State Countess
Mersham Image  
Mersham Grouchy x Bay State Countess
Mersham Martyr  
Mersham Tantalizer x Bay State Countess
Mersham Recruit  
Mersham Grouchy x Bay State Countess
Mersham Vounteer  
Mersham Grouchy x Bay State Countess
Miss Grouchy Of Quinnatisset  
Mersham Grouchy x Princess Pat I I (usa 1916)
Schifty Trix  
Mersham Grouchy x Bay State Countess
Vine Rock Countess  
Mersham Tantalizer x Bay State Countess