Search results
Brothers of Pancho Villa
Bess Of PoplardeneLoyal Pat x Mersey Violet
Betty (usa 1923)
Cheetham Rex x Lady Cinders
Bill Blighty
Loyal Pat x Crescentwood Girl
Blighty Girl
Loyal Pat x Crescentwood Girl
Bongo (usa 1923)
Cheetham Rex x Lady Cinders
Boxer I I I
Cheetham Rex x Lady Cinders
Bruce Of Poplardene
Loyal Pat x Mersey Violet
Censor Girlie
Ch Censor (uk-usa) x Lady Cinders
Censor Lady
Ch Censor (uk-usa) x Lady Cinders
Censor Perfection
Ch Censor (uk-usa) x Lady Cinders
Censor Satisfation
Ch Censor (uk-usa) x Lady Cinders
Checkers (usa 1923)
Cheetham Rex x Lady Cinders
Dinty Moore
Loyal Pat x Violet (can)
Garry Girl (can-usa)
Loyal Pat x Crescentwood Girl
General Byng (can 21349)
Loyal Pat x Violet (can)
Hillhurst Misty Bess
Loyal Pat x Hillhurst Misty Maid
Judy Girl
Loyal Pat x Lulu I I
King John (can 20480)
Loyal Pat x Crescentwood Girl
Lady Alice (can)
Loyal Pat x Crescentwood Girl
Lady Centaur (usa 1922)
Loyal Pat x Princess Centaur I I I
Lady Dumdora
Loyal Pat x Princess Centaur I I I
Lord Togo
Loyal Pat x Lady Cinders
Loyal Duchess Of The Downs
Loyal Pat x Morningside Bess
Loyal Old Timer
Loyal Pat x Princess Centaur I I I
Loyal Patricia Of Morningside
Loyal Pat x Princess Centaur I I I
Loyal Peter
Loyal Pat x Morningside Bess
Loyal Roly Poly
Loyal Pat x Princess Centaur I I I
Midget (usa 1922)
Loyal Pat x Morningside Bess
Morningside Bess
Ch Censor (uk-usa) x Lady Cinders
Morningside Censor
Ch Censor (uk-usa) x Lady Cinders
Morningside Gift
Loyal Pat x Princess Centaur I I I
Morningside Midget
Loyal Pat x Morningside Bess
Morningside Remembrance
Loyal Pat x Princess Centaur I I I
Morningside Studdy
Loyal Pat x Ch Silent White Marcia
Old Timer (usa 1922)
Loyal Pat x Princess Centaur I I I
Rival English Pat
Loyal Pat x Rival English Lassy
Royalist Blighty
Loyal Pat x Hillhurst Misty Maid
Royalist Pat
Loyal Pat x Hillhurst Misty Maid
Tarzan (can)
Loyal Pat x Violet (can)
Toby D
Loyal Pat x Lady Cinders
Victory Queen
Loyal Pat x Alix Duchess Stone
Williams Duke
Cheetham Rex x Lady Cinders
Wrinkles (can)
Loyal Pat x Glenville Pride I I (can)