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Brothers of Majorbulls Essence Of Jaylou

Blenheims Gran Majorette  
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Blenheims Ginger Ale
Ch Dixie Belle Weber   
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Doeblers Gabbey Girl
Jaylous Karin For Me  
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Jaylous Major Abby
Jaylous Krusherbulls Mabull  
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Bran's Badtothebone Krusher
Jaylous Perry  
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Jaylous Major Abby
Ch Majorbulls Elton   
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Blenheims Ginger Ale
Majorbulls Major Exacta  
Ch Jaylous Storming Normie x Blenheims Ginger Ale