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Progeny of Delenclos Maha Rani Mumtaz with picture

Ch, Int Ch, GCh Delenclos Mighty Samson   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Delenclos Mighty Samson
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Delenclos Cherokee Milton x Ch Delenclos Maha Rani Mumtaz
Delenclos Miracle Queen Hexa  
Delenclos Miracle Queen Hexa
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Cowboy x Ch Delenclos Maha Rani Mumtaz
Ch Delenclos Miss Pia At Majoray   
Ch Delenclos Miss Pia At Majoray
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Cowboy x Ch Delenclos Maha Rani Mumtaz
Delenclos Otto At Barlow  
Delenclos Otto At Barlow
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Cowboy x Ch Delenclos Maha Rani Mumtaz
Delenclos Pequena Geisha  
Delenclos Pequena Geisha
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Cowboy x Ch Delenclos Maha Rani Mumtaz
Ch Delenclos Sundance Kid   
Ch Delenclos Sundance Kid
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Cowboy x Ch Delenclos Maha Rani Mumtaz
Ch, GCh Delenclos Walker Lalibella   
Ch, GCh Delenclos Walker Lalibella
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Delenclos Cherokee Milton x Ch Delenclos Maha Rani Mumtaz