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Champion progeny of Pelee's Pick Of The Patch

Ch Pelee's Bulldacious The X Factor   
Ch Pelee's Bulldacious The X Factor
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Bulldacious Sharp Shooter x Ch Pelee's Pick Of The Patch
Ch Pelee's Earthquake Mcgoon   
Ch Pelee's Earthquake Mcgoon
Ch Boo's Lord Bosworth x Ch Pelee's Pick Of The Patch
Ch Pelee's Most Eligible Bachelor   
Ch Pelee's Most Eligible Bachelor
Ch Boo's Lord Bosworth x Ch Pelee's Pick Of The Patch
Ch Pelee's Sauer Mug Savannah Peach   
Ch Boo's Lord Bosworth x Ch Pelee's Pick Of The Patch
Ch Pelee's Sugar On Snow   
Ch Pelee's Sugar On Snow
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Bulldacious Sharp Shooter x Ch Pelee's Pick Of The Patch
Ch Pelee's The Bachelorette   
Ch Pelee's The Bachelorette
Ch Boo's Lord Bosworth x Ch Pelee's Pick Of The Patch