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Brothers of Fortland Bulldogs Umbrella

Fortland Bulldogs Breakfast  
Fortland Bulldogs Breakfast
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Fortland Bulldogs Valquiria
Fortland Bulldogs Edyth  
Fortland Bulldogs Edyth
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Fortland Bulldogs Ursula
Fortland Bulldogs Eliza  
Fortland Bulldogs Eliza
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Fortland Bulldogs Ursula
Fortland Bulldogs Finley  
Fortland Bulldogs Finley
Ch, Jr Ch Fortland Bulldogs Tim Don x Jr Ch Fortland Bulldogs Lady Scarlett
Fortland Bulldogs Harry Potter  
Fortland Bulldogs Harry Potter
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Fortland Bulldogs Angola
Fortland Bulldogs Illusion  
Fortland Bulldogs Illusion
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Fortland Bulldogs Peppa
Fortland Bulldogs Inkjet  
Fortland Bulldogs Inkjet
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Fortland Bulldogs Xandra
Fortland Bulldogs Rigattoni  
Fortland Bulldogs Rigattoni
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Fortland Bulldogs Fiore
Fortland Bulldogs Troya  
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Fortland Bulldogs Valquiria
Fortland Bulldogs Ultraviolet  
Fortland Bulldogs Ultraviolet
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Jr Ch Fortland Bulldogs Lady Scarlett
Fortland Bulldogs Under The Sun  
Fortland Bulldogs Under The Sun
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Jr Ch Fortland Bulldogs Lady Scarlett
Ch, Jr Ch Fortland Bulldogs Uptown Girl   
Ch, Jr Ch Fortland Bulldogs Uptown Girl
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Jr Ch Fortland Bulldogs Lady Scarlett
Fortland Bulldogs Xanthene  
Fortland Bulldogs Xanthene
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Fortland Bulldogs Waikiki
Fortland Bulldogs Xebec  
Fortland Bulldogs Xebec
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Fortland Bulldogs Waikiki
Fortland Bulldogs Zurich Aka Lucca  
Multi Ch Fortland Bulldogs Naked Surfer Aka Brown x Fortland Bulldogs Larissa