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Progeny of Boo's Lord Twickenham
Baliwick's Apple Pie Of Boo

Ch Boo's Lord Twickenham x Edward's Empire Lady Patch
Ch, Int Ch Boo's Apple Cider

Ch Boo's Lord Twickenham x Edward's Empire Lady Patch
Boo's Paggle Rosebud

Ch Boo's Lord Twickenham x Cleopatra Red Misty Rose Bud
Ch Mac's Little I'm A Ten

Ch Boo's Lord Twickenham x M And M's Lets Say Grace
Patty Cake's Lord Mozart

Ch Boo's Lord Twickenham x Patty Cake Iii
Raylynns Hugamug Lord Bobbin

Ch Boo's Lord Twickenham x Ch Raylynns Georgia Peach
Wimsey's Charming Mrs. Merdle

Ch Boo's Lord Twickenham x Pudden Of Dickensbrae