

Glendars Dylan のチャンピョン子孫

Ch Ace N Glendars Back To The Future At Kokopelli   
Ch Ace N Glendars Back To The Future At Kokopelli
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Glendars N Aces Kenjo Summer Breeze
Ch Admirabulls Miss America   
Ch Admirabulls Miss America
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Glendars Spice Girl
Ch Admirabulls Sunflower   
Ch Admirabulls Sunflower
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Mossrose Blanchefleur
Ch Bowie State Of Bulldog Univ   
Ch Bowie State Of Bulldog Univ
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Redlands State Of Bulldog Univ
Ch Cherokee Bullpaws Jasper   
Ch Cherokee Bullpaws Jasper
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Cherokee Legend Heavensent Garnet
Ch Cherokee Legend Darwin   
Ch Cherokee Legend Darwin
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Cherokee Legend Heavensent Garnet
Ch Cmt's Dominator The Intimidator   
Ch Cmt's Dominator The Intimidator
Ch Glendars Dylan x Little Ponds Rolex The Intimidator
Ch Fancy Bulldogs J-lo   
Ch Glendars Dylan x Fancy Cherokee Dream Catcher Jayme
Ch Glendars Admirabull Sweet Caroline   
Ch Glendars Admirabull Sweet Caroline
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Admirabulls Caitlyn
Ch, GCh Glendars I'm On Fire   
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch, GCh Aces Rockets Red Glare
Ch Glendars Ludie Too   
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Glendars Forever Diamondz
Ch Glendars Ms Daisy   
Ch Glendars Ms Daisy
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Glendars Amazing Maisie
Ch Glendars Passion Flower   
Ch Glendars Passion Flower
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Mossrose Blanchefleur
Ch, Jr Ch Jakunna ( Eslava )   
Ch, Jr Ch Jakunna ( Eslava )
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Danzka ( Eslava )
Ch Major League She's A Daisy   
Ch Major League She's A Daisy
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Mousers Major League Sweetheart
Ch Marah's Golden Girl   
Ch Marah's Golden Girl
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Marah's Fo' Farrah Sarah
Ch Over The Tops Jack Daniels   
Ch Over The Tops Jack Daniels
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Over The Tops Smooth As Butter
Ch Rojas's Made Of Gold Of Tucky   
Ch Rojas's Made Of Gold Of Tucky
Ch Glendars Dylan x Rojas's Salma
Ch, Jr Ch Rojas's New Man Of Montana Mística   
Ch, Jr Ch Rojas's New Man Of Montana Mística
Ch Glendars Dylan x Rojas's Pretty Mystery
Ch Rojas's Only The One   
Ch Glendars Dylan x Rojas's Salma
Ch Rojas's The Return   
Ch Rojas's The Return
Ch Glendars Dylan x Rojas's Salma
Ch Top Bully T - Bone   
Ch Glendars Dylan x Peg & Scott Hananh By Cammy Lot
Ch, GCh Tumbleweeds I'm All Shook Up   
Ch, GCh Tumbleweeds I'm All Shook Up
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Tumbleweeds Peaches N Cream
Ch Winsome's Delilah Of Littlepond   
Ch Winsome's Delilah Of Littlepond
Ch Glendars Dylan x Little Ponds Cheetah
Ch Yojance (ramirez)   
Ch Glendars Dylan x Renata ( Hernandez )
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Zar Bull Amadeus At Wiwis Bulldogs   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Zar Bull Amadeus At Wiwis Bulldogs
Ch Glendars Dylan x Rojas's La Dama Bonita De Zoe Kingdom
Ch Zar Bull Xxx   
Ch Glendars Dylan x Zar Bull Katty Perry