

Saucy Scarlet の兄弟及び姉妹

Anglice Callan  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Tishbri Top Spot
Annadic Alexander  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Artemis Of Annadic
Annadic Anthem  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Artemis Of Annadic
Barabull Glgl  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Beechlyn Carmen Of Barabull
Barranco Harlequin  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Barranco Brandysnap
Ellesmere Autocrat  
Ellesmere Autocrat
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Eng Ch Ellesmere Countess
Ellesmere Baroness  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Eng Ch Ellesmere Countess
Ellesmere Empress  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Eng Ch Ellesmere Countess
Ellesmere Queen of Kenstaff  
Ellesmere Queen of Kenstaff
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Eng Ch Ellesmere Countess
Marchweil Marriso  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Marchweil Serenity
Marchweil Masterpiece  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Marchweil Serenity
Saucy Sarah  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Anglice Alison
Smartset Solitaire  
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount x Joys Jubilee