

Little Ponds Deal Me In のチャンピョン子孫

Ch Cmt's Outlaw The Intimidator   
Ch Cmt's Outlaw The Intimidator
Little Ponds Deal Me In x Phenix's Roxy The Intimidator
Ch Cmt's Roxanne The Intimidator   
Ch Cmt's Roxanne The Intimidator
Little Ponds Deal Me In x Phenix's Roxy The Intimidator
Ch, GCh Little Ponds Loquacious Lucy   
Ch, GCh Little Ponds Loquacious Lucy
Little Ponds Deal Me In x Little Ponds Adamant Sunday Sioux
Ch Little Ponds Paloma   
Little Ponds Deal Me In x Ch Little Ponds Poppy
Ch Little Ponds Third Times A Charm   
Little Ponds Deal Me In x Little Ponds Adamant Sunday Sioux
Ch Onahill?s La Fashionista   
Little Ponds Deal Me In x Onahill's Miss Maegan
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Rojas's Mona Lisa   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Rojas's Mona Lisa
Little Ponds Deal Me In x Rojas's Jade