Stonewall Fair Maiden の兄弟及び姉妹
Britsbull Leaves In The WindKelloe Red Gunner x Ch Britsbull Charlies Angel
Bullestate Cinderella
Kelloe Red Gunner x Ynotmy Lady Molly
Bullestate Oliver Twist
Kelloe Red Gunner x Mipoochi Elegant Lady
Canute Julia Dobble
Kelloe Red Gunner x Bullestate Gold Trophy
Codera Alexes Bobbys Gurl
Kelloe Red Gunner x Longlands Alicante Rose
Codera Last Man Standing
Kelloe Red Gunner x Longlands Alicante Rose
Codera Shooting Star
Kelloe Red Gunner x Longlands Alicante Rose
Stonewall Lady In Red
Kelloe Red Gunner x Stonewall Abbey Rose
Ch Stonewall Lone Warrior
Brigstock Red Hot Speshl x Stonewall Abbey Rose
Ch Stonewall The Duke
Kelloe Red Gunner x Stonewall Abbey Rose