

Bacal-bull Guenda の兄弟及び姉妹

Anarchy uk blue berry  
Anarchy uk blue berry
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Heidy 'anarcky Uk'
Bacal-bull Ciao Spank  
Bacal-bull Ciao Spank
Nice To Meet You I Am Ivan The Terrible x Bacal-bull Alanis Morisette
Bacal-bull Cinderella  
Bacal-bull Cinderella
Nice To Meet You I´m Ivan The Terrible x Bacal-bull Alanis Morisette
Bacal-bull Golia  
Bacal-bull Golia
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Bacal-bull Alanis Morisette
Beamish hiris stout  
Beamish hiris stout
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Pagazus Bull Angie
Catherine The Great Moonstruck  
Catherine The Great Moonstruck
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Elizabeth The First
Gea Bee´s Knees  
Gea Bee´s Knees
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Tosc A
Jr Ch Giasone Moonstruck   
Jr Ch Giasone Moonstruck
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Tosc A
Golden Bull Poseidon Giordana  
Golden Bull Poseidon Giordana
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Golden Bull Illussion
Golden Bull Poseidon ipszilon  
Golden Bull Poseidon ipszilon
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Golden Bull Illussion
Gorgone Love At First Sigth  
Gorgone Love At First Sigth
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Tosc A
Miro For Poseidon bull  
Miro For Poseidon bull
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Poseidon Bull Im Sissy
Miro for PoseidonBull  
Miro for PoseidonBull
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Poseidon Bull Im Sissy
Ch Mystic Bull Clio   
Ch Mystic Bull Clio
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Big Boss Bull Absinth
Jr Ch Mystic Bull Hera   
Jr Ch Mystic Bull Hera
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Big Boss Bull Absinth
Mystic Bull Ice Cristals  
Mystic Bull Ice Cristals
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Stardogs Bull Aila
Nice To Meet You I´m Gwenda  
Nice To Meet You I´m Gwenda
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Tosc A
Nice To Meet You I´m Ivan The Terrible  
Nice To Meet You I´m Ivan The Terrible
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Elizabeth The First
Italian Junior Champion One More Time by Poseidon   
Italian Junior Champion One More Time by Poseidon
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Lemonvom La Maravilla
Paddy Mulligan  
Paddy Mulligan
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Pagazus Bull Angie
Poseidon Bull Chevrolet  
Poseidon Bull Chevrolet
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Suregill Simply The Best
It.j.ch Poseidon Bull Dona de Cartier   
It.j.ch Poseidon Bull Dona de Cartier
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Lemonvom La Maravilla
Poseidon bull Krizia  
Poseidon bull Krizia
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Lemonvom La Maravilla
Poseidon bull mustang shelby  
Poseidon bull mustang shelby
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Suregill Simply The Best
Poseidon bull unica  
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Kiira
Zara Of Tower Bull Emily with Poseidon  
Zara Of Tower Bull Emily with Poseidon
Ch Pretty Bull Ipszilon x Belen Rodriguez