Little Ponds Kemosabe のチャンピョン子孫
Ch, GCh Bish She's A Brick House

Ch, GCh Little Ponds Kemosabe x Bish Puddle Jumper Gabby Jean
Ch E. Clive's Heart Of Gold At Djs

Ch, GCh Little Ponds Kemosabe x E. Clive's Shape Of A Heart
Ch Exact Classic Geronimo

Ch, GCh Little Ponds Kemosabe x Exact Classic Bernadette
Ch Little Ponds Star Catcher

Ch, GCh Little Ponds Kemosabe x Ch Little Ponds Masked Beauty Of Mouser
Ch Mytoys Summer Wind At Dv

Ch, GCh Little Ponds Kemosabe x Ch Mytoys Wild Is The Wind
Multi Ch Pop-a-top Touchstone Joker

Ch, GCh Little Ponds Kemosabe x Pop-a-top Beginners Luck At Jags
Ch Wan Wan's Make My Day

Ch, GCh Little Ponds Kemosabe x Ch Chenoweth Sweet Talkin Lady
Ch Wanwan's Ava

Ch, GCh Little Ponds Kemosabe x Ch Winsan Jessica