

Carandons Material Girl の兄弟及び姉妹

Ch, GCh Carandons & Beau's Positively Radiant   
Ch, GCh Carandons & Beau's Positively Radiant
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus x Ch Lazytown Boom Boom Pow Of Carandons
Carandons Ain't No Hollaback Girl  
Carandons Ain't No Hollaback Girl
Ch, GCh Neenee N Tartan's Leading Man x Carandons Bow Chicka Wow Wow
Carandons Bow Chicka Wow Wow  
Carandons Bow Chicka Wow Wow
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus x Ch Lazytown Boom Boom Pow Of Carandons
Ch, GCh Carandons Don't Worry Be Happy   
Ch, GCh Carandons Don't Worry Be Happy
Ch, GCh Neenee N Tartan's Leading Man x Ch Lazytown Boom Boom Pow Of Carandons
Carandons Empress Jolene  
Carandons Empress Jolene
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus x Ch Lazytown Boom Boom Pow Of Carandons
Carandons God Gave Me You  
Carandons God Gave Me You
Ch, GCh Neenee N Tartan's Leading Man x Carandons Bow Chicka Wow Wow
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Nofoolin' Manny's Roman Holiday   
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Nofoolin' Manny's Roman Holiday
Ch, GCh Neenee N Tartan's Leading Man x Cherokee Legend Ivana
Cherokee Legend Samson  
Cherokee Legend Samson
Ch, GCh Neenee N Tartan's Leading Man x Cherokee Legend Ivana
Ch, GCh Keystone's Big Valley Girl   
Ch, GCh Keystone's Big Valley Girl
Ch, GCh Neenee N Tartan's Leading Man x Ch, GCh Imperious Hamitup She's A Heartbreaker
Keystone's First Lady  
Keystone's First Lady
Ch, GCh Neenee N Tartan's Leading Man x Ch, GCh Imperious Hamitup She's A Heartbreaker
Ch Neenee N Tartan's Fair Haired Joyous Farrah   
Ch Neenee N Tartan's Fair Haired Joyous Farrah
Ch, GCh Neenee N Tartan's Leading Man x Ch, GCh Bredt N Neenees Sheraton Pride
Ch Neenee N Tartan's Truly Angelic Kate   
Ch Neenee N Tartan's Truly Angelic Kate
Ch, GCh Neenee N Tartan's Leading Man x Ch, GCh Bredt N Neenees Sheraton Pride