

Circle Legend Mr. Baki の兄弟及び姉妹

Ch Circle Legend Avengers Loki   
Ch Circle Legend Avengers Loki
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Square Nine Astro Girl Exy
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Circle Legend Casino Roulette   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Circle Legend Casino Roulette
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Ch River Regions Rump Shaker
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Circle Legend Of Square All In   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Circle Legend Of Square All In
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Ch Tycor's Dirty Diana
Jr Ch Circle Legend Of Square Unstoppable   
Jr Ch Circle Legend Of Square Unstoppable
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Ch Tycor's Dirty Diana
Ch, Int Ch My Lovely Chavely   
Ch, Int Ch My Lovely Chavely
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Ch, GCh Vaughan's Rajen Cajen Queen
Square Nine Circle Royal Tiara  
Square Nine Circle Royal Tiara
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Ch Tycor's Big Girls Don't Cry