Circle Legend Casino Roulette の兄弟及び姉妹
Ch Circle Legend Avengers LokiCh, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Square Nine Astro Girl Exy
Ch, Int Ch Circle Legend Mr. Baki
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Ch River Regions Rump Shaker
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Circle Legend Of Square All In
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Ch Tycor's Dirty Diana
Jr Ch Circle Legend Of Square Unstoppable
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Ch Tycor's Dirty Diana
Ch, Int Ch My Lovely Chavely
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Ch, GCh Vaughan's Rajen Cajen Queen
Square Nine Circle Royal Tiara
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Major League Pop-a-top Roll Of The Dice x Ch Tycor's Big Girls Don't Cry