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Потомки John Blockbuster

Allondon Belle  
Ch John Blockbuster x Mitcham Sylvan
Barleymow Barleysugar  
Ch John Blockbuster x Barleymow Jacinth
Baybridge Banker  
Ch John Blockbuster x Shennis Saecharina
Golden Boy of Longmead  
Ch John Blockbuster x Nedrom Lass
Mallworth Matriarch  
Ch John Blockbuster x Leodride Lovely Lady
Ch John Blockbuster x Leodride Lovely Lady
Murgatroyd Beth  
Ch John Blockbuster x Ellerslie Briar Rose
Murgatroyd Michael  
Ch John Blockbuster x Ellerslie Briar Rose
Prince Bernard  
Ch John Blockbuster x Princess Newbook
Sean of Wickergate  
Ch John Blockbuster x Solo Waltza