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Потомки Cappellibulls Argentina Rodo с фотографиями

Love Bull Valentino  
Love Bull Valentino
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Cappellibulls Argentina Rodo x Jr Ch Love Bull Xuxa
Vaughan's Chica  
Vaughan's Chica
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Cappellibulls Argentina Rodo x Ch, GCh Vaughan's Gypsy Girl Of Vodou Bayou
Ch, GCh Vaughan's Bibiana   
Ch, GCh Vaughan's Bibiana
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Cappellibulls Argentina Rodo x Ch, GCh Vaughan's Gypsy Girl Of Vodou Bayou
Ch, GCh Vaughan's Don Juan   
Ch, GCh Vaughan's Don Juan
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Cappellibulls Argentina Rodo x Ch, GCh Vaughan's Gypsy Girl Of Vodou Bayou