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Однопометники Exquisite Bulls Aragorn King Elessar

Exquisite Bulls Arwen Of Rivendell  
Exquisite Bulls Arwen Of Rivendell
Ch Ricatori Roman King x Ch, Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Platonic Love
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Exquisite Bulls Albus Dumbledore   
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Exquisite Bulls Albus Dumbledore
Ch Ricatori Roman King x Ch, Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Platonic Love
Jr Ch Exquisite Bulls Alexander The Great   
Jr Ch Exquisite Bulls Alexander The Great
Ch Ricatori Roman King x Ch, Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Platonic Love
Exquisite Bulls Anna De Arendelle  
Exquisite Bulls Anna De Arendelle
Ch Ricatori Roman King x Ch, Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Platonic Love
Ch Exquisite Bulls Ariel The Little Mermaid   
Ch Exquisite Bulls Ariel The Little Mermaid
Ch Ricatori Roman King x Ch, Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Platonic Love