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Родственники Malybull Burdogs Baruch

Burdog's Sweet Child Mine  
Malybull Bob Simon x Burdog's Maysa
Burdogs Allure of Lafranchi  
Burdogs Allure of Lafranchi
Malybull Bob Simon x Burdog's Maysa
Burdogs Laka  
Burdogs Laka
Malybull Bob Simon x Burdogs Cindy
Burdogs Sushi  
Burdogs Sushi
Malybull Bob Simon x Burdog´s Sophia
Burdogs Sweet Child O'Mine  
Burdogs Sweet Child O'Mine
Malybull Bob Simon x Burdog's Maysa
Levemom Wohltand Belfort  
Levemom Wohltand Belfort
Malybull Bob Simon x unknown
Jr Ch Malybull Burdog's Tommy   
Jr Ch Malybull Burdog's Tommy
Malybull Bob Simon x Rokab Bull's P. Katy Perry
Malybull Burdog's Valdir  
Malybull Burdog's Valdir
Malybull Bob Simon x Rokab Bull's P. Katy Perry
Weidenbull Kaya  
Weidenbull Kaya
Malybull Bob Simon x Weidenbull Bella
Weidenbull Roma  
Malybull Bob Simon x Weidenbull Branca