Resultados da busca
Filhos e filhas de Lady Lowestoft
Betsy Baker (143835)

Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Lady Lowestoft

Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Lady Lowestoft
Doodle Lowestoft

The Nipper (usa 103053) x Lady Lowestoft

The Nipper (usa 103053) x Lady Lowestoft
Lord Coghlan

The Nipper (usa 103053) x Lady Lowestoft
Maggie Pepper

Crumpsall Chief (uk-usa) x Lady Lowestoft
Melody (usa)

Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Lady Lowestoft
Nipper I I

The Nipper (usa 103053) x Lady Lowestoft
Peggy I I I (usa)

The Nipper (usa 103053) x Lady Lowestoft

The Nipper (usa 103053) x Lady Lowestoft
Prince Lowestoft

Rodney Coronation (uk-usa) x Lady Lowestoft
Rebellious Susan

The Nipper (usa 103053) x Lady Lowestoft
Scrapper Lowestoft

Rodney Coronation (uk-usa) x Lady Lowestoft

Crumpsall Chief (uk-usa) x Lady Lowestoft
The Missourian

Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Lady Lowestoft
The Toastmaster

The Nipper (usa 103053) x Lady Lowestoft
Yankee Prince

The Nipper (usa 103053) x Lady Lowestoft