
Resultados da busca

Irmaos de Windmill's Sir Martin Tosser The Port Wenn Trigger (de pai ou mae)

Agape?s Sweet Dreams Of Windmill Spears  
Agape?s Sweet Dreams Of Windmill Spears
Ch, GCh Agape?s Dead Ringer (for Love) Spears x GCh Windmill's Princess Poppy Of The Uvada Kingdom
Ch Bomber?s Piper Apache Geronimo   
Ch Bomber?s Piper Apache Geronimo
Ch, GCh Agape?s Dead Ringer (for Love) Spears x Ch, GCh Jester Bomber?s Memphis Belle
Island Edition Tequila Rose  
Ch, GCh Agape?s Dead Ringer (for Love) Spears x Island Edition Miracle Of The Noblesse
Ch Majestic Pretty As A Penny   
Ch, GCh Agape?s Dead Ringer (for Love) Spears x Majestic Loved At Codwig
Rakaro?s Champagne ?n Lace  
Ch, GCh Agape?s Dead Ringer (for Love) Spears x GCh Rakaro?s Cause ?n Chaos
Royal Crown?s Evangeline King Tut Of Agape-spears  
Royal Crown?s Evangeline King Tut Of Agape-spears
Ch, GCh Agape?s Dead Ringer (for Love) Spears x Royal Crown's Jewel Of The Crown