Resultados da busca
Irmaos de Selva Morena Charlie Brown Jr (de pai ou mae)
Brampton Miss JennyCh, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Tomybenchel Messie Jessie At Brampton
Brampton White Icing
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Brampton Miss Sophie
Land Bull Vogue
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Land Bull Chanel
Landbull Manoela
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Land Bull Cover Girls
Selva Morena Bentto
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Land Bull Barbie Girl
Selva Morena Caetano Veloso
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Land Bull Barbie Girl
Selva Morena Elis Regina
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Land Bull Barbie Girl
Selva Morena Gal Costa
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Land Bull Barbie Girl
Selva Morena Justin Timberlake
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Edbulldogs Miss Dara
Selva Morena Leonardo da Vinci
Ch, Multi Ch Br Haut Montagne By Landbull Jhon x Selva Morena Junny
Selva Morena Mariah Carey
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Edbulldogs Miss Dara
Selva Morena Tarsilla do Amaral
Ch, Multi Ch Br Haut Montagne By Landbull Jhon x Selva Morena Junny
Ch, Jr Ch Utopia-Brampton of Agent Arnak
Ch, Multi Ch Brampton Cinderella Man x Ch, Jr Ch Greta-nobozz Of Agent Arnak