Tricksy On The Specks Stonestar

Reverse pedigree generated by

Sons Grand-sons
Tricksy On The Specks Stonestar  
Tricksy On The Specks Stonestar
Ch Fearnought Mister Rough x Doroty Teresa
Al Kapone Unkvir Blackstar  
Dariy Goverla x Tricksy On The Specks Stonestar
Astoria Unkvir Blackstar  
Astoria Unkvir Blackstar
Dariy Goverla x Tricksy On The Specks Stonestar
Avrora Unkvir Blackstar  
Dariy Goverla x Tricksy On The Specks Stonestar
Beretta Unkvir Blackstar  
Tayson (ot Alex Apogeya Vein) x Tricksy On The Specks Stonestar
Bonaparte Unkvir Blackstar  
Tayson (ot Alex Apogeya Vein) x Tricksy On The Specks Stonestar
Borealis Unkvir Blackstar  
Tayson (ot Alex Apogeya Vein) x Tricksy On The Specks Stonestar