Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn


Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn   
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn
Boatswain Christian Of Liatris Bulls x Ch Sinsila Girgzdantis Suolas
Ch Cassandra   
Ch Cassandra
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Fantastik Dog Harianna Horri
Donna Paw's The Sound Of Silence  
Donna Paw's The Sound Of Silence
Ch, Jr Ch Idealistic Reality Kiddy Win's x Ch Cassandra
Ch, Jr Ch Idealistic Reality Kiddy Win's x Ch Cassandra
Ch, Jr Ch Donna (est)   
Ch, Jr Ch Donna (est)
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Fantastik Dog Harianna Horri
Fantastik Dog Aja Caca  
Fantastik Dog Aja Caca
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Fantastik Dog Magija Fortuna
Fantastik Dog Haida Holly  
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Ch, Jr Ch Villdang Fetta Foff
Ultimate Ella  
Ch Cherokee Ultimate Apollo x Fantastik Dog Haida Holly
Ch Cherokee Ultimate Apollo x Fantastik Dog Haida Holly
Fantastik Dog Rimpa Pumba  
Fantastik Dog Rimpa Pumba
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Fantastik Dog Fabiana Fastersita
Fantastik Dog Dofina Dafna  
Fantastik Dog Dofina Dafna
Dansing Noumed News x Fantastik Dog Rimpa Pumba
Dansing Noumed News x Fantastik Dog Rimpa Pumba
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing  
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Fantastik Dog Sans Sanneta
Dansing Sew Perfection  
Dansing Sew Perfection
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x JCH RU, Ch RU Dansing Queen Elizabeth
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x JCH RU, Ch RU Dansing Queen Elizabeth
Dansing Sunny Snowball  
Dansing Sunny Snowball
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x JCH RU, Ch RU Dansing Queen Elizabeth
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x JCH RU, Ch RU Dansing Queen Elizabeth
Dansing Trast Lady Beautiful  
Dansing Trast Lady Beautiful
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x Dansing Nimfy Novell
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x Dansing Nimfy Novell
Dansing Ueib Royal  
Dansing Ueib Royal
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x JCH RU, Ch RU Dansing Queen Elizabeth
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x JCH RU, Ch RU Dansing Queen Elizabeth
Dansing Uenten Brick  
Dansing Uenten Brick
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x JCH RU, Ch RU Dansing Queen Elizabeth
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x JCH RU, Ch RU Dansing Queen Elizabeth
Givaya Legenda Beatris  
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x Givaya Legenda Ulrika Tiger Spot
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x Givaya Legenda Ulrika Tiger Spot
Givaya Legenda Harizma  
Givaya Legenda Harizma
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x Givaya Legenda Lolita
Fantastik Dog Stepton For Dansing x Givaya Legenda Lolita
Fantastik Dog Wika Viktorija  
Fantastik Dog Wika Viktorija
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Cecarina Villdang Amadey
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Fantastik Dog Nugget For Dansing   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Fantastik Dog Nugget For Dansing
Ch, Multi Ch Mastif Hill Pann Style x Fantastik Dog Wika Viktorija
Ch, Multi Ch Mastif Hill Pann Style x Fantastik Dog Wika Viktorija
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu  
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Donny Mar'ss Is Kibuciu
Campari on Ice Iš Kibučių  
Campari on Ice Iš Kibučių
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Jully Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Jully Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Ch, Jr Ch Caprise Lexsuss Is Kibuciu   
Ch, Jr Ch Caprise Lexsuss Is Kibuciu
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Jully Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Jully Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Capuccino Lexsuss Iš Kibučių  
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Jully Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Jully Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Culture of Bulls Indian Summer  
Culture of Bulls Indian Summer
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Ch, Jr Ch Janna Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Ch, Jr Ch Janna Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Edward Lexsuss Is Kibuciu  
Edward Lexsuss Is Kibuciu
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Sinsila Is Kibuciu
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Sinsila Is Kibuciu
Euphoria Lexsuss Is Kibuciu  
Euphoria Lexsuss Is Kibuciu
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Sinsila Is Kibuciu
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Sinsila Is Kibuciu
Jr Ch Miss Dior Iz Prusskogo Korolevstva   
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Ch Esfir Iz Prusskogo Korolevstva
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Ch Esfir Iz Prusskogo Korolevstva
Ch, Jr Ch Roza   
Ch, Jr Ch Roza
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Monaka
Lexsuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Monaka
Lexuss Kumir Korn is Kibuciu  
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Donny Mar'ss Is Kibuciu
Lemon Lexus Is Kibuciu  
Lemon Lexus Is Kibuciu
Lexuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Dinara Marss Is Kibuciu
Lexuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x Dinara Marss Is Kibuciu
Ch, Jr Ch Lemon Lexuss Is Kibuciu   
Lexuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x unknown
Lexuss Kumir Korn Is Kibuciu x desconocida
Magic Mistery  
Magic Mistery
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Tsunami Iz Zemli Zaslavskoi
Ch, GCh Karuna Moon Iz Bolshoy Medvedetsy   
Ch, GCh Karuna Moon Iz Bolshoy Medvedetsy
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Lorgan Lorg x Magic Mistery
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Lorgan Lorg x Magic Mistery
Krasa New Shatel Iz Bolshoy Medvedetsy  
Krasa New Shatel Iz Bolshoy Medvedetsy
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Lorgan Lorg x Magic Mistery
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Lorgan Lorg x Magic Mistery
Puzzy Puzzi Rud's  
Puzzy Puzzi Rud's
Ch, Jr Ch Fantastik Dog Kumir Korn x Fantastik Dog Gelsomina Tolstopuz
Ch, Multi Ch Fantastik Dog Cocksy Paradox   
Ch, Multi Ch Fantastik Dog Cocksy Paradox
Ch Lemonvom Mohino Morrales x Puzzy Puzzi Rud's
Ch Lemonvom Mohino Morrales x Puzzy Puzzi Rud's