Little Ponds Gold Rush


Little Ponds Gold Rush  
Little Ponds Gold Rush
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy x Ch Helfyre's Little Ponds Promise
Barbie Q ( Peña )  
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Lola (peña)
Darling ( Espinoza )  
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Laguna Canelo x Barbie Q ( Peña )
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Laguna Canelo x Barbie Q ( Peña )
Venecia (espinoza)  
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Laguna Canelo x Barbie Q ( Peña )
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Laguna Canelo x Barbie Q ( Peña )
Bauer (González)  
Bauer (González)
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Legaly Blond (coronado)
Bauer (gonzález) x Kuma
Bauer (gonzález) x Kuma
Strongbull´s Holly  
Bauer (gonzález) x Strongbull's Miss Ice
Bauer (gonzález) x Strongbull's Miss Ice
Strongbull´s Kendra  
Bauer (gonzález) x Strongbull's Miss Ice
Bauer (gonzález) x Strongbull's Miss Ice
Strongbull's Kendra  
Bauer (gonzález) x Strongbull's Miss Ice
Bauer (gonzález) x Strongbull's Miss Ice
Strongbull's Mia  
Bauer (gonzález) x Strongbull's Miss Ice
Bauer (gonzález) x Strongbull's Miss Ice
Bauer (González) of Strongbull  
Bauer (González) of Strongbull
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Legaly Blond (coronado)
Aisha (cri)  
Bauer (gonzález) Of Strongbull x Akira (cri)
Bauer (gonzález) Of Strongbull x Akira (cri)
Duke With Strongbull  
Duke With Strongbull
Bauer (gonzález) Of Strongbull x Kuma
Bauer (gonzález) Of Strongbull x Kuma
Kimba of Strongbull  
Kimba of Strongbull
Bauer (gonzález) Of Strongbull x Kuma
Bauer (gonzález) Of Strongbull x Kuma
Brachos Chanel  
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Brachos Little Franny
Robin Hodd (bracho)  
Ch Brutus Malfoy ( Serna ) x Brachos Chanel
Ch Brutus Malfoy ( Serna ) x Brachos Chanel
Bucanan ( Gonzalez )  
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Legaly Blond (coronado)
Cerberus Dj Alex ( Rodriguez )  
Bucanan ( Gonzalez ) x Lucy Mae ( Gonzalez )
Bucanan ( Gonzalez ) x Lucy Mae ( Gonzalez )
Cuauhtemoc (peña)  
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Lola (peña)
Cuauhtemoc (peña) x Starligth (serna)
Cuauhtemoc (peña) x Starligth (serna)
D´ Nahros Star Golden Boy  
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Ch, Multi Ch D´ Nahros Star Alix
El Capricho (Bracho)  
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Brachos Little Franny
Ch Haquila (carrillo)   
Ch Haquila (carrillo)
El Capricho (bracho) x Minerva (pérez)
El Capricho (bracho) x Minerva (pérez)
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Paris
Ch Cherokee Legend Odin x Ganna
Ch Cherokee Legend Odin x Ganna
Kung Fu Pandda ( Bracho )  
Kung Fu Pandda ( Bracho )
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Brachos Little Franny
Hippie ( Vargas / Cavalli )  
Kung Fu Pandda ( Bracho ) x Small N Spicy ( Vargas / Cavalli )
Kung Fu Pandda ( Bracho ) x Small N Spicy ( Vargas / Cavalli )
Panzer (Cavalli/Vargas)  
Little Ponds Gold Rush x Kiwi (loyo)
CR. Queen D la Tosca (Carmona)  
Panzer (cavalli/vargas) x Tosca (yobal)
Panzer (cavalli/vargas) x Tosca (yobal)