Ch Dickey's Nostradamus


Ch Dickey's Nostradamus   
Ch Dickey's Nostradamus
Ch Dickey's Silent Thunder x Holtzky's Fantastic Pheamie
Cherished Girl's Night Out  
Ch Dickey's Nostradamus x Ch Exact Classic Affinity
Cherished My Inner Goddess  
Ch, GCh Dickey's Quincy x Cherished Girl's Night Out
Ch, GCh Dickey's Quincy x Cherished Girl's Night Out
Ch, GCh Coastbulls Red Headed Edie   
Ch, GCh Coastbulls Red Headed Edie
Ch Dickey's Nostradamus x Ch Coastbulls Mytemugshot Checkers
Ch Coastbulls Gotta Have Faith At E. Clive   
Ch Coastbulls Gotta Have Faith At E. Clive
Ch, GCh E. Clive's Bloomin Skirt Chaser x Ch, GCh Coastbulls Red Headed Edie
Ch, GCh E. Clive's Bloomin Skirt Chaser x Ch, GCh Coastbulls Red Headed Edie
Primetime's Coastbull Strictly Bizness  
Primetime's Coastbull Strictly Bizness
Ch Primetime's No Bizness Like Show Bizness x Ch, GCh Coastbulls Red Headed Edie
Ch Primetime's No Bizness Like Show Bizness x Ch, GCh Coastbulls Red Headed Edie
Ch, GCh Dickey's Quincy   
Ch, GCh Dickey's Quincy
Ch Dickey's Nostradamus x Ch Dickey's Joy
Cherished My Inner Goddess  
Ch, GCh Dickey's Quincy x Cherished Girl's Night Out
Ch, GCh Dickey's Quincy x Cherished Girl's Night Out
Ch, GCh Newcomb's Bc Modern Major General   
Ch, GCh Newcomb's Bc Modern Major General
Ch Dickey's Nostradamus x Newcomb's Bc Katie Scarlett
Dog Gone's My Hearts Desire  
Ch, GCh Newcomb's Bc Modern Major General x Ch Dog Gone's Shock It To Me Sara For My Heart
Ch, GCh Newcomb's Bc Modern Major General x Ch Dog Gone's Shock It To Me Sara For My Heart
My Hearts Dog Gone Hard Knock Life  
My Hearts Dog Gone Hard Knock Life
Ch, GCh Newcomb's Bc Modern Major General x Ch Dog Gone's Shock It To Me Sara For My Heart
Ch, GCh Newcomb's Bc Modern Major General x Ch Dog Gone's Shock It To Me Sara For My Heart
Ch, GCh My Hearts Dog Gone High Society   
Ch, GCh My Hearts Dog Gone High Society
Ch, GCh Newcomb's Bc Modern Major General x Ch Dog Gone's Shock It To Me Sara For My Heart
Ch, GCh Newcomb's Bc Modern Major General x Ch Dog Gone's Shock It To Me Sara For My Heart
Ch Newcomb's Bc Screamin Mimi   
Ch Newcomb's Bc Screamin Mimi
Ch Dickey's Nostradamus x Newcomb's Bc Katie Scarlett
Ch Newcomb's Urban Legend   
Ch Newcomb's Urban Legend
Ch, GCh Mytoys Epic Against The Wind x Ch Newcomb's Bc Screamin Mimi
Ch, GCh Mytoys Epic Against The Wind x Ch Newcomb's Bc Screamin Mimi
Ch, Multi Ch Newcomb's Lacy Underall   
Ch, Multi Ch Newcomb's Lacy Underall
Ch Dickey's Nostradamus x Newcomb's Bc Katie Scarlett
Newcomb's Spike  
Ch, GCh Little Ponds George x Ch, Multi Ch Newcomb's Lacy Underall
Ch, GCh Little Ponds George x Ch, Multi Ch Newcomb's Lacy Underall
Newcomb's Welcome Aboard Jake  
Ch, GCh Little Ponds George x Ch, Multi Ch Newcomb's Lacy Underall
Ch, GCh Little Ponds George x Ch, Multi Ch Newcomb's Lacy Underall
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Newcomb's Pandamonium @beda   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Newcomb's Pandamonium @beda
Ch Dickey's Nostradamus x Newcomb's Bc Katie Scarlett
Winsan Ehco  
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Newcomb's Pandamonium @beda x Empress Winsan Samantha
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Newcomb's Pandamonium @beda x Empress Winsan Samantha