Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull


Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Martmorebulls Code Red Of Floriobull x Floriobull Mia Von Clansar
Aphril Dholesbull  
Aphril Dholesbull
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull x Zhara Dholesbull
Ch, Jr Ch Brooka Dholesbull   
Ch, Jr Ch Brooka Dholesbull
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull x Pretty Girl Floriobull
Jr Ch Alice Of Minsbull   
Jr Ch Alice Of Minsbull
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Exact Classic Sugar Ray x Ch, Jr Ch Brooka Dholesbull
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Exact Classic Sugar Ray x Ch, Jr Ch Brooka Dholesbull
Emma Of Minsbull  
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Exact Classic Sugar Ray x Ch, Jr Ch Brooka Dholesbull
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Exact Classic Sugar Ray x Ch, Jr Ch Brooka Dholesbull
Khloe Dholesbull Chile  
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bully Hills James Dean Cappellibulls x Ch, Jr Ch Brooka Dholesbull
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bully Hills James Dean Cappellibulls x Ch, Jr Ch Brooka Dholesbull
Diona Dholesbull Von Saterlain  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull x Sofia Von Kleine Stier
Thor Josemibulls  
Black-treasure Dogs Zachary x Diona Dholesbull Von Saterlain
Black-treasure Dogs Zachary x Diona Dholesbull Von Saterlain
Farmbulls Dholebulls Naevia  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull x Zayaa Del Genghis Khan
Jr Ch Sira Mainkabulls   
Jr Ch Sira Mainkabulls
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Floriobull Tank Von Mullendorf x Farmbulls Dholebulls Naevia
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Floriobull Tank Von Mullendorf x Farmbulls Dholebulls Naevia
Luna Nhogal Bulls  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull x unknown
Luna Nhogals Bull  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull x Milu De Flogalbull
Jr Ch Mama Coco Senior Elite   
Jr Ch Mama Coco Senior Elite
Ch, Jr Ch Face To Love Yoshi x Luna Nhogals Bull
Ch, Jr Ch Face To Love Yoshi x Luna Nhogals Bull
The Brave-bulls Big Jake Ii  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull x Tomka Tha Doggfather's
Lupe De Rangers  
The Brave-bulls Big Jake Ii x Maycon Bulls Luna
The Brave-bulls Big Jake Ii x Maycon Bulls Luna
Tomasa De Trewalemu  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Thor Floriobull x Mayca Simunovic
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Cloe Mainkabulls   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Cloe Mainkabulls
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Floriobull Tank Von Mullendorf x Tomasa De Trewalemu
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Floriobull Tank Von Mullendorf x Tomasa De Trewalemu
Pink Mainkabulls  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Floriobull Tank Von Mullendorf x Tomasa De Trewalemu
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Floriobull Tank Von Mullendorf x Tomasa De Trewalemu