Heywood White Knight


Heywood White Knight  
Heywood White Knight
Heywood Marco (uk-can) x Lady Patricia (usa 250751)
Amos Judd  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Ch Arbaugh Mickey   
Ch Arbaugh Mickey
Heywood White Knight x Glenarden Margueretta
Four Wind Muggins  
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Hefty Blond Lady
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Hefty Blond Lady
Four Winds Bessie  
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Bessie I X
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Bessie I X
Four Winds Bessie I I  
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Bessie I X
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Bessie I X
Four Winds Jackie  
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Patricia Ring Leader
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Patricia Ring Leader
Jennie Dille  
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Lucky Babe
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Lucky Babe
King Heywood  
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Hefty Rowdy Girl
Ch Arbaugh Mickey x Hefty Rowdy Girl
Barnaby Rudge (usa 1921)  
Heywood White Knight x Skruball
Biddy (usa 1922)  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Sal I I
Bohemian Astress  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Brown Eyed Susan  
Heywood White Knight x Maggie Jiggs I I (usa)
Bob Jiggs White  
Master Mind x Brown Eyed Susan
Master Mind x Brown Eyed Susan
Loop The Loop  
Master Mind x Brown Eyed Susan
Master Mind x Brown Eyed Susan
Cintra Confidence  
Heywood White Knight x Putnam Cintra Countess
Clevo Pattie  
Heywood White Knight x Queen Patsie
Colonel Heywood  
Heywood White Knight x Miss Kingsome
Dame Rumor  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Dawnshire Lana  
Heywood White Knight x Master Lassie
Emmy Lou  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Field Marshall (usa)  
Field Marshall (usa)
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Baron Sir Richard  
Field Marshall (usa) x The Baroness
Field Marshall (usa) x The Baroness
Cabin Boy I I  
Field Marshall (usa) x Miss California
Field Marshall (usa) x Miss California
Crafty Bill  
Field Marshall (usa) x The Baroness
Field Marshall (usa) x The Baroness
Grover Cleveland Alexander  
Field Marshall (usa) x Miss California
Field Marshall (usa) x Miss California
Lady Rochester  
Field Marshall (usa) x Nighans Dot
Field Marshall (usa) x Nighans Dot
Lucky (usa)  
Field Marshall (usa) x Nighans Dot
Field Marshall (usa) x Nighans Dot
Memory Lane  
Field Marshall (usa) x Miss California
Field Marshall (usa) x Miss California
Miss Marshall Field  
Field Marshall (usa) x Nighans Dot
Field Marshall (usa) x Nighans Dot
Moonshine (usa 1924)  
Field Marshall (usa) x The Baroness
Field Marshall (usa) x The Baroness
Nellie (usa 1924)  
Field Marshall (usa) x Nighans Dot
Field Marshall (usa) x Nighans Dot
Princess Pat (usa 1924)  
Field Marshall (usa) x Nighans Dot
Field Marshall (usa) x Nighans Dot
The Commoner  
Field Marshall (usa) x Miss California
Field Marshall (usa) x Miss California
Four Wilds Wyse Pat  
Heywood White Knight x Patricia Kilmahew
Four Winds Patsy Pan  
Heywood White Knight x Bessie I X
Hauser White Molly  
Heywood White Knight x Babe Ruth
Heywood Soubriquet  
Heywood White Knight x Lady In Ermine
Heywood White Knight I I  
Heywood White Knight x Master Lassie
Hoop Pole Posey  
Heywood White Knight x Miss Kingsome
Heywood White Knight x Master Lassie
Beatrix Castlewood  
Captain Doleful x Joyzelle
Captain Doleful x Joyzelle
Heights Beauty  
Captain Doleful x Joyzelle
Captain Doleful x Joyzelle
Selwyn Queen  
Captain Doleful x Joyzelle
Captain Doleful x Joyzelle
Tiny Taylor  
Captain Doleful x Joyzelle
Captain Doleful x Joyzelle
King Solomon I I  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Sal I I
Kingsbury King  
Heywood White Knight x Kingsbury Miss Cintralyn
Knells Gypo  
Heywood White Knight x Master Lassie
Lady L  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Lady Virginia I V  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Sal I I
Audobona Bettina  
Melbourne Spark Plug Bellingham (usa) x Lady Virginia I V
Melbourne Spark Plug Bellingham (usa) x Lady Virginia I V
Audobona Bounce  
Melbourne Spark Plug Bellingham (usa) x Lady Virginia I V
Melbourne Spark Plug Bellingham (usa) x Lady Virginia I V
Leading Article  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Master Mathias  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Master White Knight  
Heywood White Knight x Templeton Patsie
Melbourne Lady Joy  
Heywood White Knight x Maggie Jiggs I I (usa)
Mitzi Hajos  
Heywood White Knight x Farrell Jazz Baby
Broxton Bandmaster ( Broxton Big Boy)  
Broxton Happy Thought x Mitzi Hajos
Broxton Happy Thought x Mitzi Hajos
Broxton Brigit  
Broxton Happy Thought x Mitzi Hajos
Broxton Happy Thought x Mitzi Hajos
Broxton Dele  
Broxton Happy Thought x Mitzi Hajos
Broxton Happy Thought x Mitzi Hajos
Broxton Lady White  
Duke Of Wingood x Mitzi Hajos
Duke Of Wingood x Mitzi Hajos
Idlewilde Lady White  
Duke Of Wingood x Mitzi Hajos
Duke Of Wingood x Mitzi Hajos
White Chief  
Duke Of Wingood x Mitzi Hajos
Duke Of Wingood x Mitzi Hajos
Moonshine I I  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Morning Mist  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
My Princess  
Heywood White Knight x Queen Lee
Princess Pat I X (usa 1922)  
Heywood White Knight x Patricia Kilmahew
Ranger White Knight  
Heywood White Knight x Skruball
Russell Heywood Betty  
Heywood White Knight x Neida Queen
Russell Dream Girl  
Russell Kamel Parkdalian x Russell Heywood Betty
Russell Kamel Parkdalian x Russell Heywood Betty
Sain Foin  
Heywood White Knight x Drummond Miss Mc Kee
Skrappie White Knight  
Heywood White Knight x Putnam Cintra Countess
Tarry Not  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
The Jester  
Heywood White Knight x Lady Disdain (can-usa)
Thornton Miss White Knight  
Heywood White Knight x Kingsbury Miss Cintralyn
Toddle Whippersnapper Flapper  
Heywood White Knight x Maggie Jiggs I I (usa)
Troublesome White Knight  
Heywood White Knight x Queen Patsie
Waddington Dorcas  
Waddington Dorcas
Heywood White Knight x Neida Queen
Waddington Warrior  
Ch Upton Boy I I x Waddington Dorcas
Ch Upton Boy I I x Waddington Dorcas
White Cruncher  
Heywood White Knight x Neida Queen
Princess Pernell  
White Cruncher x Waddington Pandora
White Cruncher x Waddington Pandora
Snoopy Boy  
White Cruncher x Miss Sarah
White Cruncher x Miss Sarah
White Knight Chickie  
Heywood White Knight x Kamel Flying Cinder Maid
White Knight Sam  
Heywood White Knight x Betty Jane (usa)