Boson's Golden Boy

Перевернутая родословная сгенерированна

Дети Внуки
Boson's Golden Boy  
unknown x unknown
Jasper Jackson  
Boson's Golden Boy x Gae Abigial
Gussie Pricilla  
Jasper Jackson x Gussie Lee
Jasper Jackson x Gussie Lee
Holroyd Buffy Bee  
Jasper Jackson x Gussie Pricilla
Jasper Jackson x Gussie Pricilla
Julie J Bar  
Jasper Jackson x Bivens P J B
Jasper Jackson x Bivens P J B
Princess Priscilla ll  
Boson's Golden Boy x Gae Abigial
Flash of Kopper  
Ch Red Rogue Of Kilarney x Princess Priscilla Ll
Ch Red Rogue Of Kilarney x Princess Priscilla Ll
Hippolyta Queen of Amazons  
Davis's Chevis Regal x Princess Priscilla Ll
Davis's Chevis Regal x Princess Priscilla Ll