Ch Guiness Stout ( Barba )

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Дети Внуки
Ch Guiness Stout ( Barba )   
Ch Guiness Stout ( Barba )
Ch, World Ch Millcoats Stix x Sandy ( Escoto )
Myakazo's I Told You So Stout  
Myakazo's I Told You So Stout
Ch Guiness Stout ( Barba ) x Ruby's Cocoa Butter
Ch, Int Ch Myakazo's Cuervo Gold   
Ch, Int Ch Myakazo's Cuervo Gold
Ch Herodes ( Hernandez ) x Myakazo's I Told You So Stout
Ch Herodes ( Hernandez ) x Myakazo's I Told You So Stout
Myakazo's Ketzalli Stout  
Myakazo's Ketzalli Stout
Ch Herodes ( Hernandez ) x Myakazo's I Told You So Stout
Ch Herodes ( Hernandez ) x Myakazo's I Told You So Stout
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Pound 4 Pound's Gracie   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Pound 4 Pound's Gracie
Ch Guiness Stout ( Barba ) x Ruiz' Lola
Origin Jack Frost x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Pound 4 Pound's Gracie
Origin Jack Frost x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Pound 4 Pound's Gracie
Pound 4 Pound's Awesome Baby  
Origin Jack Frost x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Pound 4 Pound's Gracie
Origin Jack Frost x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Pound 4 Pound's Gracie
Pound 4 Pound's Harley  
Pound 4 Pound's Harley
Ch Guiness Stout ( Barba ) x Ruiz' Lola
Pound 4 Pound's Walk In The Cloud  
Pound 4 Pound's Walk In The Cloud
Pound 4 Pound's Harley x Hanya Ortiz Hernandez
Pound 4 Pound's Harley x Hanya Ortiz Hernandez
Red Feathers Marrero Sky  
Ch Guiness Stout ( Barba ) x Zig-pig De Sudamerica
Jr Ch Fearless Crixus Coronado x Red Feathers Marrero Sky
Jr Ch Fearless Crixus Coronado x Red Feathers Marrero Sky