Awesome's Peppermint Patty

Перевернутая родословная сгенерированна

Дети Внуки
Awesome's Peppermint Patty  
Awesome's Totally Awesome x Awesome's Taseka San
Sandstone Aeromax  
Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah x Awesome's Peppermint Patty
M´lou´s ´n Sandstone´s Rhett  
Sandstone Aeromax x M´lou´s Tara
Sandstone Aeromax x M´lou´s Tara
Sandstone Abbagale Jigs  
Sandstone Aeromax x Lady Chatterly Of Stonebridge
Sandstone Aeromax x Lady Chatterly Of Stonebridge
Ch Sandstone Fancy Pants   
Sandstone Aeromax x M´lou´s Tara
Sandstone Aeromax x M´lou´s Tara
Sandstone Oliver Ii  
Sandstone Aeromax x Sandstone Awesome Peach
Sandstone Aeromax x Sandstone Awesome Peach
Ch Showtime Miss Scarlet   
Ch Showtime Miss Scarlet
Sandstone Aeromax x M´lou´s Tara
Sandstone Aeromax x M´lou´s Tara
Ch Sandstone Ginger Snaps   
Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah x Awesome's Peppermint Patty
Ch Sandstone Showtime Ruffus   
Ch Philsands Blazing Star x Ch Sandstone Ginger Snaps
Ch Philsands Blazing Star x Ch Sandstone Ginger Snaps
Ch Showtime Cover Girl   
Ch Showtime Cover Girl
Ch Philsands Blazing Star x Ch Sandstone Ginger Snaps
Ch Philsands Blazing Star x Ch Sandstone Ginger Snaps