Ch Mcpherson Of Bulldog Univ

Перевернутая родословная сгенерированна

Дети Внуки
Ch Mcpherson Of Bulldog Univ   
Ch Prestwick Picasso x Newcomb's Sophie Tucker
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill  
Ch Mcpherson Of Bulldog Univ x Onahill's Miss Maegan
Ch Colorado?s Kettering U Of Bulldog Univ   
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill x Ch Colorado's Polka Dot Bikini Of Bulldog Univ
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill x Ch Colorado's Polka Dot Bikini Of Bulldog Univ
Ch Colorado's I-tot-i-saw-a Puddy Cat   
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill x unknown
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill x desconocida
Ch Wilson Dixon's Never Low Maintenance   
Ch Wilson Dixon's Never Low Maintenance
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill x Wilson-dixon's How Niiiccce
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill x Wilson-dixon's How Niiiccce
Wilson-dixon's Bless Your Heart  
Wilson-dixon's Bless Your Heart
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill x Wilson-dixon's How Niiiccce
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill x Wilson-dixon's How Niiiccce
Wilson's Bernadette  
Wilson's Bernadette
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill x Wilson's Phoebe Madeyoulook
Kipatakis Choctaw Cameron Onahill x Wilson's Phoebe Madeyoulook
Ch Redlands State Of Bulldog Univ   
Ch Mcpherson Of Bulldog Univ x Ch Tenured's Barat St. Of Bulldog Univ
Ch Bowie State Of Bulldog Univ   
Ch Bowie State Of Bulldog Univ
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Redlands State Of Bulldog Univ
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch Redlands State Of Bulldog Univ
Ch Selma State Of Bulldog Univ   
Ch Mcpherson Of Bulldog Univ x Ch Bryant St Of Bulldog Univ
Brower's Sassy Sarah  
Mystyle Warrior Ocobo x Ch Selma State Of Bulldog Univ
Mystyle Warrior Ocobo x Ch Selma State Of Bulldog Univ