Am CH Pee-jay´s Lady Buffington

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Дети Внуки
Am CH Pee-jay´s Lady Buffington   
Bounty's Hunk Of Gibraltar x Brumar's I'm Rosie Too
Am CH Pee-Jays Elizabeth The First   
Am CH Penny´s Hunk´o´copper x Am CH Pee-jay´s Lady Buffington
Pee-Jays Bit of Honey  
Ch Cherokee Daniel Boone x Am CH Pee-jays Elizabeth The First
Ch Cherokee Daniel Boone x Am CH Pee-jays Elizabeth The First
Am CH Peejays Scrappy Lad X Melrod   
Am CH Peejays Scrappy Lad X Melrod
Ch Melrods Fabolous Freddy x Am CH Pee-jays Elizabeth The First
Ch Melrods Fabolous Freddy x Am CH Pee-jays Elizabeth The First