NUCH My Most Adorable Amalia

Reverse pedigree generated by

Sons Grand-sons
NUCH My Most Adorable Amalia   
NUCH My Most Adorable Amalia
CH NOR, CH SW, iInter CH. My Most Adorable Prince Charming x Zippy De Sudamerica
Bernweiler's Turbo Olga  
Bernweiler's Otto Oppstopper x NUCH My Most Adorable Amalia
Ch Hallingdalens Betty Boop   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Hales Angels Beware Of Sonny x Bernweiler's Turbo Olga
Int Ch, Multi Ch Hales Angels Beware Of Sonny x Bernweiler's Turbo Olga
Ch Hallingdalens Iverine   
Ch Hallingdalens Iverine
Bullinas Agamedon x Bernweiler's Turbo Olga
Bullinas Agamedon x Bernweiler's Turbo Olga