Ch Sandy Ridge Too Right Mate

Reverse pedigree generated by

Sons Grand-sons
Ch Sandy Ridge Too Right Mate   
Ch Boxmar Mad Hatter x Sandy Ridge Adalida Carlton
Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square   
Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square
Ch Sandy Ridge Too Right Mate x Ch Sandy Ridge Gd Goly Ms Moly
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron   
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron
Ch Silver Creeks Hot Stuff x Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square
Ch Silver Creeks Hot Stuff x Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square
Ch Chenoweth Natural Mystic   
Ch Chenoweth Natural Mystic
Ch Silver Creeks Hot Stuff x Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square
Ch Silver Creeks Hot Stuff x Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square
Chenoweth Better Late Than Never  
Ch Sandy Ridge Too Right Mate x Chenoweth Jaffa
Ch Chenoweth The Dapper Don   
Ch Chenoweth The Dapper Don
Marcellas Frederick Of Hollywood x Chenoweth Better Late Than Never
Marcellas Frederick Of Hollywood x Chenoweth Better Late Than Never
Ch Tootwallas Chenoweth Ashley   
Ch Sandy Ridge Too Right Mate x Tootwallas Dan-d Gertrude
Ch Chenoweth Like Nothing Else   
Ch Chenoweth Like Nothing Else
Ch Tootwallas Chenoweth Ashley x Sugarbulls Waltzin Matilda
Ch Tootwallas Chenoweth Ashley x Sugarbulls Waltzin Matilda
Chenoweth Spice Girl  
Ch Tootwallas Chenoweth Ashley x Sugarbulls Waltzin Matilda
Ch Tootwallas Chenoweth Ashley x Sugarbulls Waltzin Matilda