Eugenia (uk-usa)

Reverse pedigree generated by

Sons Grand-sons
Eugenia (uk-usa)  
Zala x Chalinder
Captain Jack (usa)  
Rodney President (uk-usa) x Eugenia (uk-usa)
Dorothy Vernon (usa)  
Silas Marner (uk-usa) x Eugenia (uk-usa)
Bensons Friend  
General Picton x Dorothy Vernon (usa)
General Picton x Dorothy Vernon (usa)
Bensons Girlie  
General Picton x Dorothy Vernon (usa)
General Picton x Dorothy Vernon (usa)
Bensons Pard  
General Picton x Dorothy Vernon (usa)
General Picton x Dorothy Vernon (usa)
Bensons Society Girl  
General Picton x Dorothy Vernon (usa)
General Picton x Dorothy Vernon (usa)
Duchess Of York (usa 1901)  
Woodcote Monarch (uk-usa) x Eugenia (uk-usa)
Xenia Brook  
Crumpsall Bombard (uk-usa) x Duchess Of York (usa 1901)
Crumpsall Bombard (uk-usa) x Duchess Of York (usa 1901)
Eugenia Marner  
Silas Marner (uk-usa) x Eugenia (uk-usa)
Noble Nestor  
Clyde Nestor (uk-usa) x Eugenia Marner
Clyde Nestor (uk-usa) x Eugenia Marner
General Buller (usa 1901)  
Woodcote Monarch (uk-usa) x Eugenia (uk-usa)
Clodagh (usa)  
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
Lady Buller (usa)  
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
Lady Noggs  
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
Queen J  
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
Stubborn Raffles  
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
Hetty Green  
Rodney President (uk-usa) x Eugenia (uk-usa)
Clodagh (usa)  
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
Lady Buller (usa)  
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
Lady Noggs  
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
Queen J  
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
Stubborn Raffles  
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
General Buller (usa 1901) x Hetty Green
Lord Donovan  
Silas Marner (uk-usa) x Eugenia (uk-usa)
Lord Donovan x Princess Louise (usa)
Lord Donovan x Princess Louise (usa)
Pat Donovan  
Lord Donovan x Princess Louise (usa)
Lord Donovan x Princess Louise (usa)
Mary ( Carl Haggenjos)  
Silas Marner (uk-usa) x Eugenia (uk-usa)
Bob Moore  
Clyde Nestor (uk-usa) x Mary ( Carl Haggenjos)
Clyde Nestor (uk-usa) x Mary ( Carl Haggenjos)
Norma (72955)  
Woodcote Monarch (uk-usa) x Eugenia (uk-usa)
Ben Ali  
Woodcote Don (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Woodcote Don (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Etoile Hosana  
Rodney President (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Rodney President (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Forbes Lassie  
Clyde Nestor (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Clyde Nestor (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Paul Jones (usa 1905)  
Silas Marner (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Silas Marner (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Philip C  
Clyde Nestor (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Clyde Nestor (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Puddin Face  
Clyde Nestor (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Clyde Nestor (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Silas Marner (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Silas Marner (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Woodcote Don (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)
Woodcote Don (uk-usa) x Norma (72955)